Another Muscle Tech Law Suit.

Moving House


I'm due to move house in a couple of weeks and i'm looking for a cleaning service who'll come and fix up the place before i give the keys back to the owner.
This is the only time i've had to go through this procedure and i'm concerned because i normally use non-toxic products and don't feel right using potent chemicals because of the damage they have on the environment.
Does anyone know of a cleaning service here in sydney that can do this without using dangerious products?

You can Send me a private message if your from a company and are offering me a service


Moving House

Hi Jane....

If youre still looking, we're an <a href="">moving out cleaning</a> company who are based in Sydney, come visit us at and give us a call..

We provide the best prices and have been in the business for over 8 years.


Moving House

Sorry Jane, Got that link wrong, darn html, you should be able to click through using

exit cleaning

Hope this helps
