another one of my odd questions!!


New member
At the gym you usually see the same people over and over and over again. You know some of the people are working damn hard. However, they dont show it. What you think of the people who are working hard but not showing results. In otherwords they are bodybuilding but you would not know it. This to me is always a fasination thing. They are really doing the work so whats wrong???? Now let me add I can see the ones that have extra bodyfat or too much but I can still see the muscle on them so to me I do see underneath progress. Im talking about the people men and mostly women who just plain dont make any progress. What do you think is up with this?
they do strenght trainning and dont want to build mass. watch what they lift i bet its some what light and they do high reps.
they do strenght trainning and dont want to build mass. watch what they lift i bet its some what light and they do high reps.

I disagree with that. IMO they don't really have a fucking clue what there doing, just like the people to do the stair steppers and take 2 inch steps or walk or tredmills or bikes slow enough that they read novels or yawn. Most of the ones I see at my gym never seem to work out with much intensity and almost always are in there doing the same routines. As for the ones that do try, there always doing the wrong exercises and have pretty bad cases or mirror muscle so there bent forward cause they have no back development. I see tons of kids always doing iso curls and shrugs lol.
Often they don't care about changing physique. They just want to improve cardio, strength, flexibility, etc. Watch their weights and see if they increase.

Also some people eat like shit but won't see a noticeable physique change with these people either.

Maybe their physique is not changing but other areas may be.

Also some people are content where they are. They don't want to get stronger but just want to maintain so they are consistently doing the same thing.

Others just want to exercise to maintain a healthy functioning body but don't see a need to push themselves.
I agree with Miss Muscle. People have different goals and many of them eat like crap too. Then others are just clueless about how to get results.
Also some people eat like shit but won't see a noticeable physique change with these people either.

i totaly agree, most women specifically simply do not feed enough, or eat enough protein to build.
they do an hour of cardio, some weights, go home and eat a salad.
not ideal for hypertrophy, not to mention people just plain old eating crap.