Another run with DNP

extend it bro while its cool....

Did you suffer any rashes or anything this go around? How did you handle them your first go?

and do you have before and after pics?
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Honestly I didnt even bother to take a before picture this go around so it wont be totally accurate but Ill probably take an after one.

As for the rash, I found out 2-3 weeks after my last log it wasnt due to the DNP. I had just stopped it and got an awful rash, tried every anti histamine under the sun as well as some other supplements recommended by vets. Nothing. 2 weeks later went to the Dr., found out I had somehow gotten scabies (I think from a hotel I stayed in). Anyhow I am taking 50mg of Benadryl every night on this run *just in case* but everything seems to be fine so far. If the rash really had been from DNP (you have no idea how awful it was, talking full body) I woulda never used DNP again lol.
Honestly I didnt even bother to take a before picture this go around so it wont be totally accurate but Ill probably take an after one.

As for the rash, I found out 2-3 weeks after my last log it wasnt due to the DNP. I had just stopped it and got an awful rash, tried every anti histamine under the sun as well as some other supplements recommended by vets. Nothing. 2 weeks later went to the Dr., found out I had somehow gotten scabies (I think from a hotel I stayed in). Anyhow I am taking 50mg of Benadryl every night on this run *just in case* but everything seems to be fine so far. If the rash really had been from DNP (you have no idea how awful it was, talking full body) I woulda never used DNP again lol.
word, i am assuming the rashes people talk about from DNP are from the sweating right?
Nah. Within a week I'm back to my pre-DNP strength levels, and I've never noticed actual muscle loss. Since DNP is protein sparing and I am taking in about 300g a day, I'd find it hard to believe I was losing much, if anything.

Now with T3...definitely lost muscle on that. And I was weak as a kitten for weeks after ceasing use. Thats why I switched to DNP in the first place.

so within a week its back to pre cycle levels? so how bad is it impacted while on cycle?
so within a week its back to pre cycle levels? so how bad is it impacted while on cycle?

Honestly I drop my weights about 50% while I'm on DNP. I've read from multiple sources it's to your benefit to do sets of no FEWER than 15 reps. Obviously to hit this # the weight needs to be reduced drastically. I keep my time in the gym short. My normal session takes me about 40-45 minutes, during DNP I am in the gym for no more than 25. I'm not concerned with growth on DNP, it's just not going to happen. All I'm concerned with is keeping my muscles conditioned so that when I come off I can get back up to full strength as quickly as possible. In the past I am back to 80-90% of my max 1 full week after stopping DNP. In comparsion when I have used 100mcg of T3 (AAS included) it took me over a month to get back to my strength levels pre-T3. I believe it is because actual muscle wasting occurred at this dose, and therefore I choose to no longer use it in my dieting phases.
Hey, I am about to start first cycle....Gp Sustanon (sust) 270 and Gp deca 250...any suggestions on how I should take it...and should I add anything
here is a question i been wanting to ask you....did you start off at just 200 mgs the first 3 days so that it could reach a saturation point....or did you just hop right into the 400mgs a day
Honestly I didnt even bother to take a before picture this go around so it wont be totally accurate but Ill probably take an after one.

As for the rash, I found out 2-3 weeks after my last log it wasnt due to the DNP. I had just stopped it and got an awful rash, tried every anti histamine under the sun as well as some other supplements recommended by vets. Nothing. 2 weeks later went to the Dr., found out I had somehow gotten scabies (I think from a hotel I stayed in). Anyhow I am taking 50mg of Benadryl every night on this run *just in case* but everything seems to be fine so far. If the rash really had been from DNP (you have no idea how awful it was, talking full body) I woulda never used DNP again lol.

I have never heard of a side free DNP run... guess it has to do with the dose more than anything and running it in the winter is surely the way to go.
here is a question i been wanting to ask you....did you start off at just 200 mgs the first 3 days so that it could reach a saturation point....or did you just hop right into the 400mgs a day

Whenever I get DNP from a new source, yes. If I've used the DNP before and I know I can handle it at the given dose, then I just go ahead and start out with my highest planned dose.

Haven't updated in a couple of days. Loss has slowed down a bit, I feel like I look about the same in the mirror for the past couple of days. I upped my dose today to 600mg, spread out over 3 200mg caps. Going to see how long I can endure that, last time it was only 3 days, but my diet is much cleaner this go around so it may be tolerable after all.

I have noticed water/sodium retention. When I take a shower my fingers literally prune up within 2-3 minutes, which usually wouldnt happen unless I was in a 15-20+ shower normally. Now it's an every day occurance, and my showers are 5 minutes max.
I just finished a cycle with no negative sides.

I guess its based on what you consider a negative side. We know that feeling hot as sh*t all the time is to be expected, I don't really consider that a negative side anymore, it's just something that happens to all users and I accept it.

Now as far as DNP rash, yellowing of the eyes, premature cataracts, these would be "negative sides" I guess. All are rare and I have not heard of many instances of any of them occurring in users.
Scale shows a net weight loss of 14 lbs today. Strange I don't notice any difference inbetween my 10lb mark and 14. On day 2 of running the DNP at 600, so far I'm overall hotter in general but it hasn't been unbearable yet. Headache today though, probably because I'm eating at maintenance still and taking 200mg more DNP than I usually am. Low blood sugar maybe. Might have to throw a few more calories in there if it persists.
ok let me ask you this.... i hear that the DNP tkes up to 3 days to reach its saturation point....well if you start taking your cycle and decide to miss one day due to an important even or what have you (you dont want to look like a sweaty pig and out of energy at this event) then the next day when you start taking again....will it be just as effective than the 2 days ago when you took it last? or will it take a day or 2 to get kick started back into your system?
ok let me ask you this.... i hear that the DNP tkes up to 3 days to reach its saturation point....well if you start taking your cycle and decide to miss one day due to an important even or what have you (you dont want to look like a sweaty pig and out of energy at this event) then the next day when you start taking again....will it be just as effective than the 2 days ago when you took it last? or will it take a day or 2 to get kick started back into your system?

Missing one day is no big deal, but if I didn't dose for 1 day it wouldn't make me much less sweaty than normal. The residual DNP from it's long half life would have you sweating and lethargic almost just as bad as if you had dosed that day as well.

DNP starts working as soon as 2 hours after you take the dose, so if you start it back up after missing a day it's still going to be working effectively. Some people actually dose EoD due to its long half life. At higher doses usually, like they'd take 800mg on Monday, nothing on Tuesday, and them 800mg again on Wednesday. It's all up to you.
Today was your last day, no?

I decided to go through this Friday, upping my dose to 600mg for the last few days. Going to call it quits on Friday and let myself settle down over the weekend and get back in the gym on Monday and start working on getting my strength back to pre-DNP levels. Should take 1-2 weeks max.
Ate lasagna with my GFs family last night for dinner. Big mistake!!! 600 is a dose where you regret eating carbs within minutes of consumption. 20 minutes after dinner everyone was asking me if I was okay because my face was flushed and had sweat pouring down it. Will try not to make that mistake again
Yeah. Thus far its been pretty easy, I didn't want to be a dick though and turn down their food and just sit there while everyone else ate. Oh well, lol. Total weight loss is at 16lbs. Friday will be my last dose, I want to cool off for the weekend then do a Carb refuel on Monday-Wednesday to get things back in order.