Another skinny guy looking for advice


New member
First off, Hi everyone!

I am looking for some advice from more experienced athletes / body builders on how to build more mass and strength, I feel as if I have hit a road block... Or I am doing something wrong.

I am going to try and give you as much info as possible, perhaps too much.. If so I apologise in advance. I have read the sticky's and feel that in theory I should be on the right path, but I am not seeing any results.

Firstly my statistics.

I'm a 33 year old male
78kg's, or 170lb's
1.86m tall or 6'2 ... Have long arms and legs compared to torso

Eating... LOTS
I have a super fast metabolism, seriously!
I load up on at least 4 protein drinks a day
I eat oats for breakfast at 6am
Protein shake with Calcium, magnesium, and B supplements
By 8-9am I'm hungry and eat again
Lunch time, have a fully cooked meal (work sponsors lunch, 80% of its healthy, I do cheat on occasion)
Protein shake
3pm hungry again, eat again
Protein shake
Large cooked dinner at about 6pm (more than can fit on your average dinner plate, well balannced diet with carbs, veg and either white or red meat)
Protein shake
Glutamine with fruit juice before bed

Training for the last 2 months

5 days training, 2 days rest a week, usually 3 sets of 10 reps set I am usually maxed out and can't do another rep
Alternate between muscle groups
Focusing on dead lifts, squats, leg curls and extension, calf raises
Bench press, rows, shoulder press, shrugs and raises
Bicep Curls, preacher curls, tricep extension, tricep kickback ?.. Might be leaving out one or two.

I have a weight bench and full set of weights at home, don't go to a gym as its not convenient

Now, my problem is .. I'm just not building any strength, have not been able to increase weight size, not really seeing much improvement.

I know that I have a slight genetic disadvantage due to my body type, and have been trying to compensate with diet and keep cardio down to a minimum.

Another thing to note, and I don't know if it matters, I hit puberty very late (after 18)
I don't have a strong sex drive either.

Am I following an incorrect routine? Still not eating enough?

When would one consider going to see a doctor about taking a steroid supplement, would it help me? Is it still too soon in the training to say? Do I just keep doing what I am doing even though I am not seeing an improvement?

I can provide more info if need be.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
your diet sucks eat real food instead of them bullshit shakes.Lifting at home just doesnt cut it u need a real gym.Last but not fuckin least "don't go to a gym as its not convenient" thats the biggest puss statement I ever heard.
The gym is pretty far, the distance required to travel there seriously is too far. I would have to commute over an hour each way to get there... I am unable to commute for 2 1/2 hours to get there every day.
Also, how is lifting at home useless, when I have the same equipment at home that a gym has?

The shakes are pure whey, no flavouring or colourant. I do eat "real food" ... Lots of it! No frozen foods, always fresh veg and meat, no processed foods or take out... How is that not real food?
Instead of being negative, how about actual constructive advice? How else can I increase protein intake if I don't supplement it with protein drinks?
u dont have all the equipment that a gym has 8-10 meals of solid food a day and stop acting like a little girl
thanks, Im married... dont need links to your favorite websites. are an idiot, and your inability to provide any constructive feedback clearly shows you know squat about fitness training
lol lets start over..home gym yup thats great u will get huge,variety who needs that shit a bench press is all u need.10 protein shakes a day great work fuck real food.Making your life inconvenient is out of the question the muscle will just grow because your special.How was that am I getting better are u happy now?
lol lets start over..home gym yup thats great u will get huge,variety who needs that shit a bench press is all u need.10 protein shakes a day great work fuck real food.Making your life inconvenient is out of the question the muscle will just grow because your special.How was that am I getting better are u happy now?

I knew it! I've been doing it wrong for 10'years time to get some home gym shit, and some muscle milk! Lol
link bottom line is this game is a tough one, its not for pussies(not calling u one).Your going to have to do some stuff thats a pain in the ass like drive to the gym and change your diet around.If getting jacked was easy there would be no skinny fucks walking around.Dont take this the wrong way at the end of the day I want everyone to get huge and have fun
It's kcal in vs kcals out, if you're eating a kcal surplus and lifting heavy you will gain weight, by the look of your post it does sound like your overestimating how many kcals you're actualy consuming.
your diet sucks eat real food instead of them bullshit shakes.Lifting at home just doesnt cut it u need a real gym.Last but not fuckin least "don't go to a gym as its not convenient" thats the biggest puss statement I ever heard.

i would have put it nicer, but this is exactly what i thought after reading the first post