Anybody have good experience with a particular Anti-Catabloic product. Personally im doing 2nd cycle of 500mg test +.5mg arimidex a day for 10 weeks w/ ten 50mg winstrol tabs thrown in at the end and im gonna fight as hard as possible to keep every gain of that 20 pounds
Only decent anti-catabolic i know of is Clen so gonna go with that unless somebody can tell me something better to go with/stack with it.
Also if you only had ten 50mg winstrol tabs would you take the whole thing 10 days straight or split in half for 25mg ED for 3 weeks during the 500mg test a week.
Only decent anti-catabolic i know of is Clen so gonna go with that unless somebody can tell me something better to go with/stack with it.
Also if you only had ten 50mg winstrol tabs would you take the whole thing 10 days straight or split in half for 25mg ED for 3 weeks during the 500mg test a week.