Anti E-s

ok i decided to drop the sustanon and go with a single ester thanks to all who gave me the advice. so i will run 500mg of test enth a week but i want to run an anti -e that is very effective. im pretty lean my pics are in the members forum. i know im g2 get bloated but that comes with the package right? which would be my best bet as fars an anti -es . im aware that i need that estrogen to grow but i jus want sum 2nd opinions
For me femara at 2.5mgED keeps all water weight off but I feel it affects my gains more that arimidex at 1mgED. For 500mg of test I think 1mgED of arimidex is sufficient if not more.
Golfer18 said:
For me femara at 2.5mgED keeps all water weight off but I feel it affects my gains more that arimidex at 1mgED. For 500mg of test I think 1mgED of arimidex is sufficient if not more.

that is alot of adex, i would think 1mg eod should be fine. At least it is for me.
Well here is my 2cc's.

Really any anti-estrogen is going to help with water retention. Nolvadex, arimidex, liqiudex, teslac, etc. It really al comes down to how much you can afford. Nolvadex is fairly cheap. Some sites carry liquiex at a more resonable price than arimidex.

As far as dosages go 2030mgs of nolvadex per day should do the trick. Arimidex at 1mg every other day or 1/2mg every day will do fine, same with the liquidex. Fermara at 2.5 like another member said is effective as well.

I personally go with nolvadex as it is just cheaper. All the hype about it affecting IGF-1 levles is n't proven in men and I haven't seen any decrease in gains becuase of it. But overall any of these anti estrogens will do.

Hope this helps bro.

Maverick said:
Well here is my 2cc's.

Really any anti-estrogen is going to help with water retention. Nolvadex, arimidex, liqiudex, teslac, etc. It really al comes down to how much you can afford. Nolvadex is fairly cheap. Some sites carry liquiex at a more resonable price than arimidex.

As far as dosages go 2030mgs of nolvadex per day should do the trick. Arimidex at 1mg every other day or 1/2mg every day will do fine, same with the liquidex. Fermara at 2.5 like another member said is effective as well.

I personally go with nolvadex as it is just cheaper. All the hype about it affecting IGF-1 levles is n't proven in men and I haven't seen any decrease in gains becuase of it. But overall any of these anti estrogens will do.

Hope this helps bro.


Please post some studies that show Nolvadex will help with water retention..........

Nolvadex is a Selective Estrogen Blocker that works in the breast tissue and will do very little, if anything in the way of controling overall water retention.

Stick with the proven 3 anti-e's ( arimidex, femara, aromasin ) for control of water retention.
StoneColdNTO said:
Please post some studies that show Nolvadex will help with water retention..........

Nolvadex is a Selective Estrogen Blocker that works in the breast tissue and will do very little, if anything in the way of controling overall water retention.

Stick with the proven 3 anti-e's ( arimidex, femara, aromasin ) for control of water retention.
