Anti estrogen protocol for non AAS user with elevated estrogen levels


New member

I think i have to high estrogen levels. I have 12.05% bodyfat measured with harpender skinfold caliper. Measurement showd that quad and ham are extreme higher then other (26 quad, 33 ham) and triceps measurement is a bit higher then it should be. Other things whitch associate to low estrogen are low muscle tone, much adipose water, from time to time poor memory, sometimes extreme poor concentration, fatigue...etc i have 95% of al "high estrogen and aromataze enzyme" symthoms.

I am takin a lot care about nutrition, eat also anti-estrogenic vegetables and take care of estrogen creating things (like plastic, parfume..etc)

i'm gonna start with anti estrogenic herbs and try to get optimal test/estro ratio

so my question begins here. I am thinking also of anti estrogenic drugs like provirone/nolvadex/clomiphene.
I never used AAS, im not on a post cycle therapy (pct) i just want to use it like a estrogen cleanse.

1. How should the dosages be for each?
2. Can i mix them all together? In this case how should the dosage be ?
3. How long can i stay on these drugs ?
4. After quitting this estrogen cleanse and stop taking these drugs, will there be a countereffect ?

Actually i am working on leaning out and getting muscle, what means that when i lean out there will be less fat, less fat = less aromataze enzymes as i am familar.

Thanks in advance

get a blood test. attacking estrogen when you don't even know you if you have high e2 is sort of pointless. 12% bf isn't that high to be worried about your adipose aromatizing your test.


I think i have to high estrogen levels. I have 12.05% bodyfat measured with harpender skinfold caliper. Measurement showd that quad and ham are extreme higher then other (26 quad, 33 ham) and triceps measurement is a bit higher then it should be. Other things whitch associate to low estrogen are low muscle tone, much adipose water, from time to time poor memory, sometimes extreme poor concentration, fatigue...etc i have 95% of al "high estrogen and aromataze enzyme" symthoms.

I am takin a lot care about nutrition, eat also anti-estrogenic vegetables and take care of estrogen creating things (like plastic, parfume..etc)

i'm gonna start with anti estrogenic herbs and try to get optimal test/estro ratio

so my question begins here. I am thinking also of anti estrogenic drugs like provirone/nolvadex/clomiphene.
I never used AAS, im not on a post cycle therapy (pct) i just want to use it like a estrogen cleanse.

1. How should the dosages be for each?
2. Can i mix them all together? In this case how should the dosage be ?
3. How long can i stay on these drugs ?
4. After quitting this estrogen cleanse and stop taking these drugs, will there be a countereffect ?

Actually i am working on leaning out and getting muscle, what means that when i lean out there will be less fat, less fat = less aromataze enzymes as i am familar.

Thanks in advance

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Yeah, I second the blood test recommendation. How do you know you hve high estrogen? Estrogen isn't the evil hormone... You actually need some in your body. If you start self medicating you could fuck yourself up nicely... Go get blood work done....