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If you have some time, please read this and give me some opinions!!!
I know this is my first post and you may think I'm clueless on lifting and such, but stick with me please. I'm not a member on any other forum for lifting asides from bodybuilding, but I thought you guys could help me more.
So I am Conrad. I'm 18 years old, 19 in twenty days. I've been lifting for 5 years, extremely seriously for about 2-3 of those. You might think... extremely serious eh? As if... he's 18. Well I count all my macros and hit them all on target within 5g of each (315 protein, 500 carbs, 92 fat), I have not missed a training day in these three years, except for scheduled weeks off, I only eat clean food i.e. tilapia, chicken, rice, sweet potatoes, whole grain bread, etc. I hope you get the point I don't want you to have to read more of this.
So here's the real problem and question I have.
My lifts have just stalled completely over the past year and a half. I train my god damn ass off 5 days a week. I honestly feel I am one of the few people in my gym that actually trains hard. However, despite all my efforts I just can't set any PRs. I keep upping my calories, tried new training programs, tried different schemes, and nothing... I leave the gym depressed just about every day. I sit in my room most weekends because I don't want to drink because I'm scared it'll ruin my chances of breaking a PR even more. I get anxiety and guilt and such whenever I do something that's isn't spot-on with bodybuilding code (like eat a piece of candy).
Now I'm not the biggest guy, I'm 215lbs at 6 foot 3, probably 12% body fat. I would consider myself an ectomorph. The last time I can remember myself being truly happy was not when I had a girl friend, not when I went to a party, but when I was hitting PRs in lifts monthly. Without progress, I feel lost and hopeless.
I'm really looking into starting anabolic steroids to help me get past this phase. I just want to see some kind of progress with all the effort I'm putting in! Does anyone have any takes on a 19 year old like myself taking steroids?
Sorry for the long post. Thanks a lot for anyone who took the time to read!
If you have some time, please read this and give me some opinions!!!
I know this is my first post and you may think I'm clueless on lifting and such, but stick with me please. I'm not a member on any other forum for lifting asides from bodybuilding, but I thought you guys could help me more.
So I am Conrad. I'm 18 years old, 19 in twenty days. I've been lifting for 5 years, extremely seriously for about 2-3 of those. You might think... extremely serious eh? As if... he's 18. Well I count all my macros and hit them all on target within 5g of each (315 protein, 500 carbs, 92 fat), I have not missed a training day in these three years, except for scheduled weeks off, I only eat clean food i.e. tilapia, chicken, rice, sweet potatoes, whole grain bread, etc. I hope you get the point I don't want you to have to read more of this.
So here's the real problem and question I have.
My lifts have just stalled completely over the past year and a half. I train my god damn ass off 5 days a week. I honestly feel I am one of the few people in my gym that actually trains hard. However, despite all my efforts I just can't set any PRs. I keep upping my calories, tried new training programs, tried different schemes, and nothing... I leave the gym depressed just about every day. I sit in my room most weekends because I don't want to drink because I'm scared it'll ruin my chances of breaking a PR even more. I get anxiety and guilt and such whenever I do something that's isn't spot-on with bodybuilding code (like eat a piece of candy).
Now I'm not the biggest guy, I'm 215lbs at 6 foot 3, probably 12% body fat. I would consider myself an ectomorph. The last time I can remember myself being truly happy was not when I had a girl friend, not when I went to a party, but when I was hitting PRs in lifts monthly. Without progress, I feel lost and hopeless.
I'm really looking into starting anabolic steroids to help me get past this phase. I just want to see some kind of progress with all the effort I'm putting in! Does anyone have any takes on a 19 year old like myself taking steroids?
Sorry for the long post. Thanks a lot for anyone who took the time to read!