Any advice on first test E cycle?


New member
I'm 5 5" at 185lbs and been working out for about 7 years now and looking to jump on my first test cycle. I've jumped on a few ph's but I think it's time to jump one a real cycle. The plan is to do a 12 week cycle.
First 4 weeks DBOL & test (1cc)
8 weeks 1cc test and week 11 start pct nolvadex.
What do you guys think?
little off on the timing and doses.

What dose are you planning to use for the dbol? You said 1cc of Test, is that a week or each injection? Because if you are looking to do 1cc for the week, you are going to simply mimic your natural to an extent. If you are doing 12wks of cycling, you should not be doing your PCT in week 11...more like 14 or 15.
I would advise to go on a Test only cycle as this is your first. You will gain a ton of muscle (if your diet is correct of course) and no need to add in any other compounds yet. So something like this:
1-12 Test E at 500mg EW
1-14 Arimidex or Aromasin (start low and adjust as needed)
PCT: use PCT calculator to know when to start: PCT Calculator | Post Cycle Therapy Calculator
Clomid 100/50/50/50
Nolva 40/20/20/20
with 7 years training experience he should technically be of age.. we will see..
I'm 30 years old. I plan on doing 1cc a week, spit it, pin twice a week. I wasn't sure if I should do any more than that because it's my first cycle. Think I should do 2cc's a week? I'm strong for my size (Deadlift 405, squat 405 ass to grass, bench 275) people I talked to said I would see a lot of gains with 1cc and I don't want to over do it and end up fucking myself up. You have to crawl before you walk.
And I've been meal preping for the past 3 months and I've seen a lot of results just from finally getting my meals together. My diet is a way of life now, that's why I waited to get everything on point before i could jump on a real cycle.
yea thats just above a trt dosage.. im on trt and run 200mg..

the minimum recommended dosage for first cycle is 400mg..

and im glad you are taking the time to figure out your diet.. its always 80% diet in your goals

i have a free diet advice thread you should post in at the least!! get it checked.. it makes a world of difference!!

make sure to read post 1 first though!
for sure, that 1cc is going to need to be bumped to get a better result that you are looking for. not saying tha twill produce the results, because obviously everything else needs to be on point. but...that will certainly be something to look at
@ 3j. Thanks, I was at 195 and change my eating habits and lost 15lbs in 2 months. I was trying to get to 200lbs but I wasn't eating right at all. Eating right is the hardest part until you make it part of your life and it's just another meal. (For all those gains)
@ 3j. Thanks, I was at 195 and change my eating habits and lost 15lbs in 2 months. I was trying to get to 200lbs but I wasn't eating right at all. Eating right is the hardest part until you make it part of your life and it's just another meal. (For all those gains)

how old are you?
little off on the timing and doses.

What dose are you planning to use for the dbol? You said 1cc of Test, is that a week or each injection? Because if you are looking to do 1cc for the week, you are going to simply mimic your natural to an extent. If you are doing 12wks of cycling, you should not be doing your PCT in week 11...more like 14 or 15.

DBOL - I plan one running for 4 weeks at 30mg per day.