Any alternatives to HCgenerate???

Its called clomid and it works 100x better than hcgenerate...yup thats right 50mg/day is a great way to naturally boost test

A clomid + Mk2866 cycle is what I recommend for a "first cycle" if you are under 24yo and have less than 3years solid training

SO hes asking about OTC test boosters and you recommend a SERM and a research SARM? You actually recommended a cycle?
You would really recommend Research Chems over OTC supps for this application? How about not having a source? You think he should manipulate his hpta with Clomid? Clomid is for infertility and post cycle therapy (pct). Thats like a guy asking about Topical foremestane for gains and recommending he just take winstrol or something crazy.
U can't compare clomid to OTC stuff. One thing overlooked is clomid has side effects. It's not very toxic but a hell of a lot harder on your body than hcgenerate
Fair enough. but I think there's a cuttoff point also.. ya hcgenerate will have basically zero negative sides but even so at that price for me it's not worth the results..

Isn't Hcgen like 75$ over on n2bm? could run CLOMID AND MK for 8weeks for n it'd run you ~100 (Or you could run 1 for cheaper)... and you'd get triple the results with still negligible negative side effects
I have a code for 15% off everything on the NTBM store
Yes it is like 75 bux but that's before the 15% off and I think they ship free. So by the end it's not that bad but yea still costs more than clomid. But the emotional sides suck on clomid. Price aside I could run HCGen everyday for life and that's not something I could do with clomid. I know it eke lose it's effectiveness but u get my point

They are two very different things.
^Relentless....dont bitch when it gets done to you

He asked for alternatives to hcgenerate, and all the crew showed up to cram hcgenerate down his throat, that seems to be relentless marketing. I came and offered him an alternative, which actually seems to be what he was asking for when starting this thread.
Absolutely. Clomid will easily double your natty test. Clomid and Osta are pretty harmless, I don't see what being otc has to do with it..

As far as I'm concerned there are 2 types of anabolic supps and that's suppressive and non-suppressive...clomid and osta are at the top of compounds that produce results without shutdown..of course there's peps n gh but then you might have to pin something!! yuck!

i like the way you're thinkin
Edit was because I realized this board disabled signatures. Which is unfortunate, particularly when some were known for hiding their associations

I'll say again.....I'm not a rep.. And I had a signature on all the boards until they got removed.....then I replaced it..then they got removed again
I'll say again.....I'm not a rep.. And I had a signature on all the boards until they got removed.....then I replaced it..then they got removed again

If you want a coupon for Sustain Alpha, just hit me up with a PM bro. You don't need to keep trying to get my attention in this thread.