Any feedback on finishing a cycle with short ester?

Winny is very good. I mean to say, what one person says isn't always true for another. Have you experience with winstrol? 4 weeks @ 100mg/day gets my arms and legs hard as rock and increase lifts. I love winstrol.

Oral winstrol takes 3-4 days to take effect for me. I never run prop, but I know the test prop won't peak for 6 weeks... so by the time you come off a 4 week cycle, you haven't even peaked. If you run enanthate, you will have full serum levels... why not continue?

i will say again, the prop adds on top of the long ester, prop shots will peak him within 24 hours, you wont have to wait weeks, its not like you have to start over, your serum T is already high.
lol i just realized K neg repped me lol

"You posts contribute nothing of substance and you are a liar to say you are 250lb's. You are scrawny and weak, I have seen a pic of you. thanks again for harassing my posts. haha"

your too funny guy, like it matters that you neg me, you could do it 500 x and it wouldnt matter lol
So if I'm understanding this correctly. As you inject the oils are like tanks that will release from the site at different times. I can only imagine that using Sustanon (sust) would complicate this more. My question is I'm currently doing Sustanon (sust) 500 a week deca 300 a week both for 10 weeks was going to do 4 weeks on prop 500 a week to follow. So by the 3rd week the decanoate ester should be out of my system and deca should be low enough to let me start my post cycle therapy (pct) about 4 days after last injection? Just when I thought I had it figured out I have some how confused myself. Sound right or close? Thank
So if I'm understanding this correctly. As you inject the oils are like tanks that will release from the site at different times. I can only imagine that using Sustanon (sust) would complicate this more. My question is I'm currently doing Sustanon (sust) 500 a week deca 300 a week both for 10 weeks was going to do 4 weeks on prop 500 a week to follow. So by the 3rd week the decanoate ester should be out of my system and deca should be low enough to let me start my post cycle therapy (pct) about 4 days after last injection? Just when I thought I had it figured out I have some how confused myself. Sound right or close? Thank