Any good stand alone cutting agents?


New member
Hey everyone, I know that you all hate pesky new members like me....however just because I am a beginner I am not clueless and I do not mean to waste your time. I have spent hundreds of hours on this site reading everything I can but never had a need to become a member.....until now, because I cannot find an answer!!

I just finished my first ever cycle 5-6 weeks ago and finished my PCT about 2 weeks ago. I ran an 8 week cycle of test-e at about 600mg/week along with Anastrozol as an AI, and Clomid for my PCT. I saw some great gains (about 23lbs at my peak) and was very pleased, however my acne has flared up ever since my cycle ended (which is weird that it was fine during cycle and only flared up afterwards). Of course I was not able to retain all of that weight but overall still satisfied, besides the acne.

ANYWAYS.....I would like to peel some of this fat off for spring break/summer time and I was wondering if anyone could recommend a SAFE cutting agent that can be taken alone? I did not want to do anything besides test for my first cycle so that I could weed out side-effects, but now I'd like to cut and all of the reading I do recomneds that a cutting agent be taken with a full cycle. Of course its too soon to start a new cycle and ideally I'd like to wait until next fall before getting back on gear again, which is why I'm wondering if there are any cutting agents that can be taken alone?

I appreciate any feedback!! Thanks in advance!!
Wait for your hormones to stabilize before you cut. Too soon, and you risk losing some of that precious muscle you just gained as you may not have the testosterone to support a sudden decrease in caloric intake.

I'd get a blood test (they're cheap online from to make sure your body is ready in another 4-6 weeks or so. If it comes back with a good testosterone/LH/FSH, then you should be good to go.

I recommend ECA (ephedrine/caffeine/aspirin) as a mild cycle to add to your cut to help speed things through. There are other methods, but this is the safest and does work without the need for other supplementation such as testosterone.

My .02c :)
waker and half hit the nail on the head..

1. wait for your hormones to balance..

2. a proper diet and training routine is all you need
Alright thanks for all the input guys!! Good stuff!!!

I know that diet and cardio count for most of your cut...."abs are made in the kitchen," right? I was just curious because some friends of mine compete and they have told me about certain products (andromix, tren, clen, npp, etc.) that will lean you out real nicely. Just curious if anything could be took without a full cycle of test accompanying it.
test is the base for all steroid cycles. You shouldn't cycle without it.

I compete, and I still stay under 10% bf year round. It takes a lot of effort and determination...but is possible.