Any interest in getting your products tested?


New member
Hi there,
I work in a chemistry lab that gives me access to a number of analytical instruments (GC/MS, HPLC, 400MHz NMR,etc). From what I've read here, it seems purity/fake product concerns are a big deal. So I'd like to put out some feelers and see if anyone would be willing to pay a very modest sum (<20 USD) to have their steroid/peptide products tested for purity? You would only have to send a small (~20mg) sample. Results would take under a week, assuming literature values are available.

Most likely I would not be able to tell you what the adulterants are, only if they are present and in somes cases, in what quantities.
I offer this service on a more discreet basis to those with more discreet needs. I've taken an interest in getting healthy lately and landed myself here. Take it or leave it, it makes no difference to me.
You are going to get banned! fix your posts before the mods see it and you might still be a member here tomorrow.

seriously what kind of post is this?

You are offering to illegally test illegal things!!
As far as I know, the peptides purchased by members here are not illegal. There are plenty of glucocorticoid and steroidal compounds which are completely legal. What you send me is your own business.