Any tips?


New member
Before I make my very own tren for the first time, I was wondering if there are any general tips for making all gear that one should know. Like I remmeber seeing this question but I can't find the thread, how do you prevent any losses from your syringe when switching from the filter to another pin to draw some more oil and then back to the syringe? Things like that. It would be nice to have a thread with any important details to keep in mind when making gear.
- figure out how much total oil your going to use and set it aside in one place, like a beaker...
- If using a coffee filter (I suggest it but some dont) pre-soak it with some plain oil first, this way it cant absorb any tren oil. You see the logic.
- I use 10ml syringes and steril filter most of the oil by itself. If making 4g ill usually mix the pellets with solvents and maybe 1/3 of the total oil. Ill throw that (pellets/solvents/oil) through the coffee fliter. Then rinse whatever you mixed the pellets in with some more oil, throw that into coffee filter, repeat.

Lotta shit you'll figure out on your own (usually through mistakes) but its a fun process the first couple times.
I don't think Im going to be using the coffee filter method. I can't just leave my draining tren out in the open, so Im gonna have to go with this method: Only because it seemed the easiet for me. However, I will be using a coffe filter to drain the last part where he says to leave a little oil on top of the gunk. Im not letting any oil go to waste, so Ill just filter that out and use it up too.
jynx said:
Like I remmeber seeing this question but I can't find the thread, how do you prevent any losses from your syringe when switching from the filter to another pin to draw some more oil and then back to the syringe?
i dont suggest this but heres how i do it.
after ive pushed all my oil through the filter I unscrew it a little, and pull the pluger right out. You unscrew so you dont pull misc oil back into the syringe from the filter. After the pluger is out, screw the syringe back on the filter. If you have a graduated beaker or cylinder you can pour some more oil into the syringe without spillage. Then put the pluger back in and push. This little trick takes 2 seconds, and I dont spill a drop doing it.