I've been seeing a lot of stuff posted online about intermittent fasting and the benefits of it. The idea behind it is that you get all your calories in a specific time window e.g. 8 hours of eating. Then you fast for 16 hours. With longer fasting periods it gives you more time for you body to efficiently burn calories un-interrupted by food. I have only seen about 3-4 people online who utilize this and are in excellent shape. e.g 220 lbs >8% bf. I've seen very few people who utilize this since it is a relatively new concept, so I'm told.
Does anybody have any experience with this or is it all a bunch of hogwash
I read the book, The Warrior Diet, and was a personal acquaintance of the author. The author was in shape, I suppose. His abs were very clear and his body defined. His cheeks were sunken in and he had the eyes of a madman. He was a personal trainer at the small gym I was a member of at the time - his work outs were..well, unconventional and he didn't seem to get much support from the other trainers.
I talked to him often because his ideas were intriguing and, his arguments, convincing. But I'm gullible, and again, he had the gift of gab. Some of the things he told me seemed a little off, but I bought into it. For instance, he constantly told me that I can eat however much I want at the end of your fast, and I won't gain a thing because -insert some pseudo science -
I tried the warrior diet for 60 days. I had terrible results. I gained weight. GAINED WEIGHT and visibly lost muscle mass. Everything I ate at the end of my fast was clean, but whatever, I won't discourage you. It works for some people, I guess. I will say this, the fast made me alert just like he described. But the fast also made me a real asshole because I was so impatient on my fast.
I haven't visited the website in a while, but last time I was on it, years ago, there was a picture of the yolked guy promoting the diet. The truth is that buff guy was just a member at the gym that I went to. He thought the diet was a joke and would never do it, himself.