Anybody tried Superdrol?


Smith Machines For Sissys
Im asking for a friend of mine who doesn't want to take Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) yet. He was wondering how strong Superdrol is? He took M1T and made decent gains off it.
BigTrip said:
Im asking for a friend of mine who doesn't want to take Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) yet. He was wondering how strong Superdrol is? He took M1T and made decent gains off it.

superdrol is effective, not something that these hands will often type about a "legal hormone", though it is in fact a steroid. Its efficiency is not questionable, its safety and liver impact are.
dude dont fuck around with that shit, just go straight dbol if your going to mess with something like that
Tsaunders said:
dude dont fuck around with that shit, just go straight dbol if your going to mess with something like that

dbol is oral as well... i dont see why it would matter.
Dianabol is very toxic oral steroid. I dont see how you can compare it to superdrol (methasteron). Anyone who still dont want to mess with ˝real˝ steroids, but wants to take something stronger, should take superdrol and similar ˝pro-steroid˝ products after longer researching. With good post cycle therapy (pct) they are safety.
for a first time user of SD, assuming you are at the correct age. I would run a cyclle like this..

wk 1-3..10/20/20mg ed
Support supplements, such as saw palmetto,hawthorn berries,flax oil or MAX EPA (omega-3), liver detox (milk t), take those during the cycle and during PCT.

PCT, wk 4-6..Nolva 40/30/20mg ed, optional rebound xt as well with it
How come nolva instead of clomid? Ive alway's used clomid post cycle therapy (pct) for my test cycles.
exactly, you clomid for test cycles. this stuff is not as powerful as test. Nolva is mainly for gyno as well as bringing your nuts back. but if u got clomid..that works too
Tsaunders said:
dude dont fuck around with that shit, just go straight dbol if your going to mess with something like that

You have no idea what you're talking about. People assume that because they're legal, they suck. I've used M1t and d-bol, not at the same time of course. On d-bol, I seemed to get a lot of the sides and small gains. Personally, I thought M1t was way better. I'm currently trying superdrol in a stack with test enth at 500mg/week.
BigTrip said:
Im asking for a friend of mine who doesn't want to take Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) yet. He was wondering how strong Superdrol is? He took M1T and made decent gains off it.
So your friend doesn't want to take Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) but he already took M1T????? What does he think m1t is?? Its a steroid and so is superdrol. I personally wasn't very impressed w/superdrol, but i'd only done a 3wk cycle. I've tried m1t before too and like that much better.
A protoge ... did u say that rebound Xt would be fine for PCT....cuz on the website where i bought SD, anabolic xtreme had their own post cycle therapy (pct) botle which one works better? or both?
aProtege said:
dbol is oral as well... i dont see why it would matter.

it matters considerably. Hepatoxicity varies a lot between compounds, since there is no safety data on most, if not all, of the "designer steroids" this could be very significant.

while its true that the hepatoxicity of oral steroids is overplayed, thats because they had to pass rigourous testing to be approved, these compounds being sold now as "designer steroids" are compounds that, for whatever reason, "did not make the grade" for futher development.

as a note- for every developed steroid there were hundreds of analogs that did not make it pass the various testing stages.
"Hepatoxicity varies a lot between compounds,"

Very true. If you want to compare some look at dbol, primo, anavar and halotestin. I'm sure their are more.
i actually just came off a 3 week SD cycle yesterday, and my weight went from 186 to 204 today. my strength went out the roof, and my bf stayed about the same. the only main side i noticed was lethargy. i have started my post cycle therapy (pct) today...and hopefully it will keep me in check.
wood78221 said:
i actually just came off a 3 week SD cycle yesterday, and my weight went from 186 to 204 today. my strength went out the roof, and my bf stayed about the same. the only main side i noticed was lethargy. i have started my post cycle therapy (pct) today...and hopefully it will keep me in check.
glad it worked well for u. Superdrol didn't do much 4 me. I responded much better to m1t. Too bad all thats banned now.
what sux even more is i have an injury, so all that stuff wouldn't do much anyways. :(
Superdrol isn't banned from being sold it's banned from being made. I have two bottles here right now. There are a few companies and stores that still have it in stock.
muscle10 said:
A protoge ... did u say that rebound Xt would be fine for post cycle therapy (pct)....cuz on the website where i bought SD, anabolic xtreme had their own post cycle therapy (pct) botle which one works better? or both?
rebound xt isn't good enough u need colmid and nolva
E-Swift25 said:
You have no idea what you're talking about. People assume that because they're legal, they suck. I've used M1t and d-bol, not at the same time of course. On d-bol, I seemed to get a lot of the sides and small gains. Personally, I thought M1t was way better. I'm currently trying superdrol in a stack with test enth at 500mg/week.

i agree he's an idiot
megadose said:
rebound xt isn't good enough u need colmid and nolva
y spend $30 for rebound xt which is an inferior product when u can get nolva or clomid for about $30-$35??? and it is far more effective