BigTrip said:Im asking for a friend of mine who doesn't want to take Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) yet. He was wondering how strong Superdrol is? He took M1T and made decent gains off it.
Tsaunders said:dude dont fuck around with that shit, just go straight dbol if your going to mess with something like that
Tsaunders said:dude dont fuck around with that shit, just go straight dbol if your going to mess with something like that
So your friend doesn't want to take Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) but he already took M1T????? What does he think m1t is?? Its a steroid and so is superdrol. I personally wasn't very impressed w/superdrol, but i'd only done a 3wk cycle. I've tried m1t before too and like that much better.BigTrip said:Im asking for a friend of mine who doesn't want to take Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) yet. He was wondering how strong Superdrol is? He took M1T and made decent gains off it.
aProtege said:dbol is oral as well... i dont see why it would matter.
glad it worked well for u. Superdrol didn't do much 4 me. I responded much better to m1t. Too bad all thats banned now.wood78221 said:i actually just came off a 3 week SD cycle yesterday, and my weight went from 186 to 204 today. my strength went out the roof, and my bf stayed about the same. the only main side i noticed was lethargy. i have started my post cycle therapy (pct) today...and hopefully it will keep me in check.
rebound xt isn't good enough u need colmid and nolvamuscle10 said:A protoge ... did u say that rebound Xt would be fine for post cycle therapy (pct)....cuz on the website where i bought SD, anabolic xtreme had their own post cycle therapy (pct) botle which one works better? or both?
E-Swift25 said:You have no idea what you're talking about. People assume that because they're legal, they suck. I've used M1t and d-bol, not at the same time of course. On d-bol, I seemed to get a lot of the sides and small gains. Personally, I thought M1t was way better. I'm currently trying superdrol in a stack with test enth at 500mg/week.
y spend $30 for rebound xt which is an inferior product when u can get nolva or clomid for about $30-$35??? and it is far more effectivemegadose said:rebound xt isn't good enough u need colmid and nolva