Anyone ever try being injectable var...


Gym=My Drug
Has a similar melting point to winny and that is widely available in inject form. Wondering if this is possible. Perhaps through it in a mortar and pestle in order to make in finer grain?? Would guiaconol (misspelled perhaps?) be necessary? Or could one use ethyl oleate,bb,ba, and carrier oil and get it done? Or would it be better in a water base?
I do know that guaiacol does not need to be used in water bases, only oil carriers. Also may I ask why you want to do this? Do you think there is any added benefits to it?
I don't there are any added benefits. I would just rather pin it cuz I take enough pill supps as it is. Also interested on experimentation with spot injections of it. I don't think it'll do anything, but bro science experiment time!
I haven't made inj. var, but I have done it with dianabol and drol. Makes like anything else, just make sure you hit the melting point and use guiaicol(Super solvent) as it'll crash without. I personally like it as I inject it everyday with test base shortly before workout.

I can get mine to hold with 2%18% and 10% guiaicol. It can be finicky with cold temps but heating the vial doesn't take long.
Sorry for asking a question in your thread, but say you make injectable d-bol or something of that sort, what mg/ml would you make it at? and would you need to inject 3 times a day?
Sorry for asking a question in your thread, but say you make injectable d-bol or something of that sort, what mg/ml would you make it at? and would you need to inject 3 times a day?

You only need to pin it once a day but some do it twice due the relatively short half-life. You can sensibly brew it up to about 100mg/ml. I'm sure Chris will chime in with his breakdown he's very knowledgeable on this stuff.
Like Rastas mentioned, you can pin once a day. I usually make it at 50-75mg/ml, anything more can be tricky to keep from crashing out. When I see oil based ugl injectable dbol/drol at 100mg/ml I tend to be skeptical of its actual dose. Even the slightest temp change will crash it out, unless they have some magical ratios I don't know about.

The key is not to over use guiaicol as it's nasty shit, to the point that you smell like it after its injected. It'll clear your house out when brewing also.
Like Rastas mentioned, you can pin once a day. I usually make it at 50-75mg/ml, anything more can be tricky to keep from crashing out. When I see oil based ugl injectable dbol/drol at 100mg/ml I tend to be skeptical of its actual dose. Even the slightest temp change will crash it out, unless they have some magical ratios I don't know about.

The key is not to over use guiaicol as it's nasty shit, to the point that you smell like it after its injected. It'll clear your house out when brewing also.

I saw a post by buttman where he said guiaucol isn't even needed, is this true?
I'm sure you can get away with not using it for dbol as it has a relatively low melting point comparative to other orals, but Idk about winny, drol, or var...

Btw, the day I started this I saw injectable var on a legit site, but the dose was 100 per mg. Also saw a 50/50 injectable of var/winny. Too much, if you ask me. If those are actually dosed as they claim then it must hurt
I'd be surprised to see a brew hold without a Super solvent. It just doesn't want to hold. I've tried 75% EO trying to get base to hold without a a Super solvent as I didn't have any the first time around and it wouldn't after constantly heating. (This was over 200 ml of tne)

I'd be very interested to hear buttman's ratios. There's a lot of recipes out there (especially oil based winstrol) where they clame it holds, but then see people posting non stop asking why the ratios they copy and pasted wouldn't hold.

Like I said, I'm all ears. But I've yet to here of base hormones holding at high mg conversions or with no ss. I love short esters, base and methylated inj so I've played around a lot w them.
I'd be surprised to see a brew hold without a Super solvent. It just doesn't want to hold. I've tried 75% EO trying to get base to hold without a a Super solvent as I didn't have any the first time around and it wouldn't after constantly heating. (This was over 200 ml of tne)

I'd be very interested to hear buttman's ratios. There's a lot of recipes out there (especially oil based winstrol) where they clame it holds, but then see people posting non stop asking why the ratios they copy and pasted wouldn't hold.

Like I said, I'm all ears. But I've yet to here of base hormones holding at high mg conversions or with no ss. I love short esters, base and methylated inj so I've played around a lot w them.

1. Use 1g of Winstrol/Stanozolol or Primo A
2. Use 19ml of oil (GSO or Canola)
3. Mix them together in a glass beaker

4. Use a microwave oven and heat for 4-5 minutes (for Winstrol/Stanozolol) or
2-3 minutes (for Primo, because it melts easier).

Be sure the beaker is not completely covered, so pressure doesn't build up.
Swirl till powder dissolved. If it's not completely dissolved, heat again for 2-3 minutes.

5. Add in 0.2ml BA (to make 1%)

That is buttmans way of making winny.
I am very curious about injectable orals, I would much rather inject or drink them instead of take a pill.
Ya, there's no bb in that either. I'm not sure I buy into it, i would love to hear from him about it though as im truely interested. Only hormones that hold with ba only are long esters like test e/nandrolone decanoate.
How would you control the heat w a microwave?

I am not sure, but I do know that this guy is the Austinite of the chemical section.
I have a question for you, can you message me recipes for injectable orals? Or may I message you? I like the knowledge that you are spreading, or that I have seen you give.