Anyone ever try being injectable var...

I would say that's a better solution to heating but the issue is you still don't know the temperature or a rough estimate. I suppose you could do heating experiments with water and the settings on your stove top. In the oven I would think would be better. Especially if it's electric. Or a toaster oven. Even though the temperature you set it at is most likely not true, a setting suggesting 400 is superior to high medium or low.
Very interesting results buttman, after re heating for 11 minutes these are the results.
15 minutes after reheating
View attachment 556107
30 minutes after reheating
View attachment 556108
1 hour after reheating
View attachment 556109
So far there hasn't been any change at all!
2 hour after reheating, looking good!
View attachment 556111


By the way, I have used the oil based Winny I brewed. I had no PIP, and my strength went through the roof, so I'm quite sure it was potent.
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The reason I asked about the carrier oil is because GSO has a smoke point of around 450F (232C) and the melting point of Winny is roughly 455F (235C)(From the source I found). Which to me, I think the oil is degrading before it is dissolving. I think if you could use a pressure cooker or something to provide constant, uniform heat under the smoke point for a longer period of time, you would be better off for future experiments.

Using a pressure cooker is a brilliant idea, DrHouse.

By the way, I have used the oil based Winny I brewed. I had no PIP, and my strength went through the roof, so I'm quite sure it was potent.
Yes it worked, I am so happy about it, sadly I don't have any filters right now :(
Yes it worked, I am so happy about it, sadly I don't have any filters right now :(

That great! Filtering is the easy part. Filtering cold oil will take up more time but would prevent rapid cooling. I think that's why my second batch crystalized. But luckily it was Test Cyp so I just used a heating pad and reheated it.

And the pressure cooker idea I read somewhere but I just use my oven. Set it at a temperature, let it pre heat and then turn off. Mine is gas so I'm not sure what the constant feed of gas would do. 3-4 15 minute rounds at the temperature I set it at usually works. If I had electric, I wouldn't worry about leaving it on.

Hello friend, I am facing the same problem, the stano is to crystallize in about 2 hours and rest half. I'm using GSO 30%, 70% OE, BA 3% and 22% BB. I'm warming up 6 minutes in the microwave but not being fixed. Should I fold the warm-up time? Do you have skype friend? Thanks for listening! Sorry my English, I speak of Brazil.[/QUOTE]
Has a similar melting point to winny and that is widely available in inject form. Wondering if this is possible. Perhaps through it in a mortar and pestle in order to make in finer grain?? Would guiaconol (misspelled perhaps?) be necessary? Or could one use ethyl oleate,bb,ba, and carrier oil and get it done? Or would it be better in a water base?

its still liver toxic, your pretty much injecting a pill suspended in solution, I would just take it orally.
and i would avoid guiaconol... it has no place in injects IMO