Anyone follow the paleo diet on cycle?


New member
Read a book on the subject and followed it off cycle and an wondering if anyone has used it on cycle and if any results from it as a suitable diet plan.

Test E-500mg/wk
Tren E-300mg/wk

Depends on your goals and current body fat %. I run a modified paleo most of the time but I include whole oats oatmeal and brown rice on occasion. While on cycle paleo probably isn't going to provide enough calories from carbs to really grow optimally. However, it can be a good guideline for eating clean. Just modify to add some complex carbs and up the protein intake.
Thanks for all the advice. I have been getting good results but I want to maximize them you know.

Been thinking about my next cycle. Looking at Tren E 300mg/wk, Test E 500mg/wk, and Winstrol. Will be trying to cut down in the fall. Need some help with the dosing of the Winstrol. Anyone got some good advice?

Right now:
10-12% bf