Anyone have any advice? MUCH APPRECIATED


New member
Can someone please point me in the right direction. I know I'm inevitably going to get bitched out for posting this here but quite frankly I really just need advice. Long story short, my nipples are puffy, I have 'nipple rocks' aka pre gyno. My dad had it when he was younger but got them removed, my brother had them awhile ago but they went away, and now I have them. I have everything I need to start my cycle, but I do not want to start yet because of my nipple rocks. They are puffy as well which is such a bad look, I hate it. I've been taking adex, 1mg EOD. I started last Tuesday and today was the 4th day I've taken it. Should I keep taking it or am I going to literally kill my estrogen? Please someone help. The rocks have gone down but the puffiness is still prevalent.
Lmao I've accepted the fact that I will be bitched at
but seriously.. 1mg of adex? that sounds a little excessive. Id say your well on your way (if not already there) to crashing your e2. Sounds like you just naturally have some nice titties

Please give us a little history such as
cycle history doses run etc
yr s training

Killing all estro is not necessary as it s inherent ramification s will make themselves apparrant soon enough. Some of us are more gyno prone than others..I had to have both my mammary gland s removed in 1990 ?

In the long run..balancing AAS e2 and anti e s can be both exhausting and costly both monetarily and hormonely; dialing in aas dose and ai s to counter estro conversion will involve bloods...regularly...another costly but necessary to run aas recreationally AND more importantly safely.
I've literally only taken 4 of them, so I do not think it is completely detrimental. Should I stop?
Pro hormone cycle last year, but I ran everything correctly, done research, etc. Never had this problem. Or any problem quite frankly
3 years training
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And my cycle will consist of the following:

Dbol: 30-50mg
Winstrol: 30-50mg
Sust: 300mg Monday/Thursday
Adex: if bloat or gyno
Then Nolva for pct obviously
I know doses are low but I just want to see how my body reacts
AGAIN, I haven't even started yet.
Last edited: your 1st and only cycle was with prohormones only? Never done a test only cycle?

...and you're 21yo?

...and you are worried about a genetic predisposition to gyno but you want to do a fat, complicated cycle?

Where to start. Where. To. Start.

I think I'll let one of the more experienced members beat you around the head and neck ;-)
Don't take it personally....
No I am not taking it personally, honestly. I need some guidance. But yeah, everything you have said is correct Duffer. That's why I said the inevitability of me getting bitched out is slim to none lmao. But honestly, does anyone think my e2 has crashed after only 1mg eod, when yesterday was the 4th one ? I feel fine honestly
You obviously don't know what you are doing at all. You are too young and this is going to further your problems. You have a Gyno problem you say so you are going to do Dbol, crazy! you are going to do Winstrol and Dbol ???? Crazy.

Stop...STOP...STOP I'm too tired to go any further. I'll let the others chime in. YOU ARE TOO YOUNG and are fvcking yourself up.

This cycle is no good and you don't keep an AI on hand for bloat. Start reading and get educated.

Ya know I'm sorry all I did was blast you and that wasn't helpful. There is just so much. JUST SO MUCH FOR YOU TO LEARN>. I'll let the guys with patience help you.
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And my cycle will consist of the following:

Dbol: 30-50mg
Winstrol: 30-50mg
Sust: 300mg Monday/Thursday
Adex: if bloat or gyno
Then Nolva for pct obviously
I know doses are low but I just want to see how my body reacts
AGAIN, I haven't even started yet.

Too young brother, but this is my .02 cents

1.Prone to gyno, dump the Dbol..thy are estrogen bombs and you need to know your body and AI well to counteract
2. Dump the Winny, no need especially not knowing what your doing yet
3. If you have to run Sustanon run it by itself. The dose is low considering your going to be shutting down your natural production anyway.
4. ADEX if bloat or gyno??? NO!! run that from day one, get blood work done 4-5 weeks in and adjust accordingly per your results..your already prone to gyno so why would you wait and try to fight a fire..would be a mess.
Alright so I'll stop the adex then. Can someone just give me suggestions as where to start, I have the gear and everything on hand. I'll obviously stop the adex but does anyone think my e2 has crashed? I just want my libido to be fine, especially for this weekend lmao. Anything I can do to just return to a normal state? Again I feel ok, just need pointers. I don't care if anyone blasts me, it's essential if anything. Please let me know, thank you for all the responses everyone.
I just thought the adex would reduce puffiness/nipple rocks, based off of what I've read. People have suggested letro or nolva, but it just doesn't make sense
I get the feeling your not concerned about what's in your cycle. Because your libido and the look of your bitch tits is the only motivating factor for you, your current cycle set-up will most likely make each of those conditions worse. Mostly because you're clueless, and you're gyno prone.

I get it buddy. You're excited to jump on cycle. You just don't have the correct plan.
I want to treat the pre gyno, obviously. In regards, to the cycle, the winstrol would follow after I have finished the Dbol. But would I start just, perhaps, a Test Enanthate cycle to start? I was originally going to add the test e to the cycle, but they didn't have anymore in stock so I told him the sust would be suffice
I just don't know where to start quite frankly. I definitely want to be patient. I don't even have bitch tits, they are nipple rocks, doesn't even appear as if I have gyno, but I know upon starting a cycle, I am much more prone to it, hence I started the winstrol
Can you guys just point me in the right direction, and reassure me that the arimidex I've already have taken has not crashed my e2. I'm just psychicing myself out I don't know
Bloodwork brother!! Only way anyone can tell whats going on inside. Get some labs work done and you will know where you stand and would be good pre blood work too
I'm sure you haven't crushed your E2. That's harder to do than advertised. I've driven my E2 into the shitter, and the most I've dealt with is irritability and dry, aching joints.

You're fine.

As far as your gyno, it sounds like you're extremely prone to it. On top of that, you have a strong family history of it. ANY aromatizing steroids will most likely cause you issues at some point.

I'd recommend running a TEST E only cycle, with Gobs of bloodwork along the way. Once you get to know how you're body reacts to all compounds you may be able to pull of a cycle successfully.

This is all presuming you'll treat your gyno first. I have no experience treating pubertal gyno, so you'll have to reach out somewhere else. Something tells me you may just need surgery.
I get the feeling your not concerned about what's in your cycle. Because your libido and the look of your bitch tits is the only motivating factor for you, your current cycle set-up will most likely make each of those conditions worse. Mostly because you're clueless, and you're gyno prone.

I get it buddy. You're excited to jump on cycle. You just don't have the correct plan.

Best to do your homework and do it right.