Anyone Have Personal Experience With a CLOMID RESTART


New member
Anyone hear have personal experience with a clomid restart for trying to get there test levels back after a cycle. I don't mean PCT… Heard of some guys with low test levels getting them back using a clomid restart. If anyone has. what dosage and how long did you use clomid and do you need adex incase of gyno. Thanks
In all honesty if I was going to do a restart id do HCG followed by a clomid nolva stack. Id do 500ius of hcg-2x/week (so 1000iu's/week). Id do this for 6 weeks.
At the end of my hcg run id do essentially a clomid /nolva pct protcol. 40/20/20/20 nolva and 50/25/25/25/25/25 clomid.
Id then wait 6-8 weeks after I stopped the serms to get blood work and see if my restart attempt was successful.
Ive cruised on clomid 50mg e3d for almost an entire year. My test was 900ish the entire time. When i came off, it went back down to 400s. Theres some personal experience for you. in my opinion restarts are not worth it in most cases, yes you may be restarting your natural testosterone production, but it's nothing that's going to be high enough to put you in your happy place
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Anyone hear have personal experience with a clomid restart for trying to get there test levels back after a cycle. I don't mean PCT***8230; Heard of some guys with low test levels getting them back using a clomid restart. If anyone has. what dosage and how long did you use clomid and do you need adex incase of gyno. Thanks

if your not on cycle i dont see why would need adex.
i would do the clomid for a month or two and then get tested. but chances are you will drop back down. if you need hrt then you need hrt and should consider it.
Juiced_porkshop i see you are very propitious to hrt, whereas there are some folks on the intronet and also on this forum that say trt only as a last resort, and even then not, its a death sentence tralala and they ask you but did you even die before going on trt?
So it's probably a slim chance after the clomid that your test levels will go up.

Most peoples levels do go up somewhat, it's just rare that they go up and stay at a considerably higher level. As clman said^ "not high enough to put you in your happy place."

IMO restarts are definitely worth trying before TRT. Why commit to a life time of self injecting if there's a chance you can avoid it?
Most peoples levels do go up somewhat, it's just rare that they go up and stay at a considerably higher level. As clman said^ "not high enough to put you in your happy place."

IMO restarts are definitely worth trying before TRT. Why commit to a life time of self injecting if there's a chance you can avoid it?
I dunno trt seems tempting. No ups and downs. Stay beastly year round.
my TT was 417 in the winter and i was depressed as shit. My TT 2 weeks ago was 251 when i didn't really sleep well for 2 weeks because it was very hot outside and the temperature didn't go below 80 fahrenheit at night. 2 weeks later, however, i started getting morning woods, feeling good and horny and for 1 day felt really good, then kinda dropped to average feeling again. What i want to say is that our hormones fluctuate a lot and they will go down in the hardest times, when you really need them.
When you get an emotional and stressful hit or a hard training or anything, your body will feel that and it will crumble, the needle won't. I'm not promoting anything, just facts.
^very true. Anothr question that needs to asked is do you plan on using steroids again? If so, you will just shut yourself down. If you got low t, you got low...gnomezayin? Now if you are done with AAS for good...then id say a restart could be worth a shot.
I would suggest exhausting your options before resigning to trt. Its not all its cracked up to be in many ways. A restart is, IMO, worth a shot.
I need some solid advice guys, what do you think about dylan gemelli and the elite fitness website, because i think they are full of crap. They promote things like:
-POST cycle
-forma stanzol
-sustain alpha
and shit like that...does this even work? cause i smell they just wanna make money out of some garbage herbs
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Ive cruised on clomid 50mg e3d for almost an entire year. My test was 900ish the entire time. When i came off, it went back down to 400s. Theres some personal experience for you. in my opinion restarts are not worth it in most cases, yes you may be restarting your natural testosterone production, but it's nothing that's going to be high enough to put you in your happy place

Wow thats very interesting. My test level when on 200mg/wk is around 800-900 and you were able to do 900 on just clomid?? Was this something you did on your own or with a Dr.s help? At first thought it seems like something I would want to try! Instead of pinning every 3.5 days and having to monitor my E2 as well as my lipids (which dont look as good since I started TRT 2 years ago).
Wow thats very interesting. My test level when on 200mg/wk is around 800-900 and you were able to do 900 on just clomid?? Was this something you did on your own or with a Dr.s help? At first thought it seems like something I would want to try! Instead of pinning every 3.5 days and having to monitor my E2 as well as my lipids (which dont look as good since I started TRT 2 years ago).
all i can say clomid has side effects I personally feel like shit on it my gym performance is down significantly even though T went from 380-700 in 20 days on 25mg clomid ed very very tired I was struggling today walk just 3km!!!! so probably its not a wonder drug and you will not feel same like on TRT even though T levels yes you can achieve pretty good.
for lipids cholesterol there is drug GW-501516 seems pretty good from what I have read. Massive endurance lower BP better cholesterol with almost none of side effects
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I did it on my own. I attribute my gyno growth from though. So you gotta be careful. Or run some nolva with it.
Btw. Dylan gemeli looks like smeagle. he is the epitome of the phrase ABS on a skinny guy is like tits on a fat girl, it just doesn't count
Wow thats very interesting. My test level when on 200mg/wk is around 800-900 and you were able to do 900 on just clomid?? Was this something you did on your own or with a Dr.s help? At first thought it seems like something I would want to try! Instead of pinning every 3.5 days and having to monitor my E2 as well as my lipids (which dont look as good since I started TRT 2 years ago).

It's not always what it sounds like. Clomid has it's own sides - estrogenic ones, which mask the feeling of good TT levels. I myself spent about 6months on 100mg clomid daily (huge dose, I know) and I got my TT up to just shy of 800... still felt crap. The problem is clomid activates some estrogen receptors and you can't stop it simply by controlling e2 with an AI. All you can do is stop the clomid and hope your TT stays high enough. It usually doesn't.

Also highly agree about future AAS use as well clman... if you can't stay away from AAS in the future, restarts aren't worth it. Soon as you shutdown again you'll be worse off.