anyone have this problem with tren enth


New member
Hey guys I got a bunch of tren enth its all cooked up and what not, but it keeps crashing. I'm using 5% BA, no bb.
anyone else having this problem?
I have never used Tren Enan, but I don't see why it keep crashing. You would figure with the Enan ester, it should hold with very little solvent. Maybe pullinbig has converted it and he can help you out.

What concentration are you trying to make it at?
200 mg /ml
yeah i would have thought it would be the same as test enth, but it keeps crashing.
I really dont want to ad more ba as i'm pretty sensitive to it as it is.
yeah i guess i'm going to have to do that, but i didnt want to mess with the concentration. oh well.
should i just add until it disolves.

even my test enth needed a little heat to dissolve without the little "flaoties".

I havent had anything with BB in it, not that i've made anyway, from what i've read it's painless, can someone confirm that?
Add 5% BB first, that may do it. Most people are fine with BB up to 20%, I've never gone above 10%BB with 5% BA though.
bb is painless. just add 5% as others have said. you can go up to 15-20% without making it painfull. I have used it at 15% w/ 5%ba for prop with little to no pain.
if you test enan is giving probs you gear may be suspect. never made tren enan. whats the MP of that and MW?
mp = melting point
mw = molecular weight

these two have an effect on how easily hormones go into solution as well as the ester if one is attached. course the ester is figured in so it is directly related to the MW.

take Winstrol (winny) for example. no ester, MP of 450f or so and a fairly low MW. in the low 300s i believe. tough to work with for most home chemists. easier to do orally and just as effective.

now T enan has a MP of 35c or so. (similar to deca). a mw in the 400s i believe. this stuff dissolves in oil. easy as it gets.
PB, you make me feel good about my chem skills. Through your posts and others around the web, I've managed to get a shitload of Winstrol (winny) stable in oil. I'm using the 1% BA 10% BB 10% SuperS and it's very stable. Just got my PEG400 so that's the next attempt.
Yeah the tren enth dissolves with 5% BA
I know the tren enth is legit cause I trust my source, and they've been around since the begining of time. ;)
I havent run the tren enth MP or dont know the MW, the MP because shit is expensive, and I'm a cheap fucker. I guess i do have a shit load to play around with, i'll try it out this weekend and let you guys know.
that stuff is documented somewhere.

Test enan needs no solvent. it is soluable in oil. that tren enan may be as well. i have never tried it.

you said you test enan was giving probs. thats what i was referring to.

winny in solution clear as a bell.

2% ba, 15% bb, add powder. heat a bit til it clears. add peg400 as a carrier. heat til it clears and let cool enough so as not to dmage filter. filter, bake and shoot. its kinda thick so warming each time will make life simplier. 50mg/ml winny
pullinbig said:
that stuff is documented somewhere.

Test enan needs no solvent. it is soluable in oil. that tren enan may be as well. i have never tried it.

you said you test enan was giving probs. thats what i was referring to.

winny in solution clear as a bell.

2% ba, 15% bb, add powder. heat a bit til it clears. add peg400 as a carrier. heat til it clears and let cool enough so as not to dmage filter. filter, bake and shoot. its kinda thick so warming each time will make life simplier. 50mg/ml Winstrol (winny)

Works for 100mg/ml as well. If you are an unlucky bastard like me, it will hurt like hell. I have 30ml of it that hurts me to look at, let alone shoot. I will be re-working this batch in a couple months.
I was just about to post a similar thread..

I have just made Tren Enan and had the same problem... It needs much more solvent... NOTHING AT ALL like Test Enan...

Here is how mine is at the moment...

I used 7grams of Tren Enan
2.4 ml of BA
And topped up with oil to make 25ml total...

God knows what the consentration is, I will seach some where to find it... But mine crashed big time with 1.5 ml of BA and 20 ml total finished product. So added 5ml of oil and the extra BA (I dont have any BB so not an option!!)

I filtered and baked it and the final product is much darker than Test Enan and slightly hazy but hasnt crashed...

Made Test Enan at the same time (2nd batch) soooo easy, and is a nice bright color and clear.....
you got 280mg/ml tren enan. you also got 10% ba. if that aint holding you need some bb. i already posted formula for determining concentrations, total oil/solvent needed to make a certain concentration, and total volume of end product.

is it painfull? if not nothing wrong with warming everytime and shooting. its still tren enan.
yeah i figure i'm just going to warm mine up and shoot it, instead of adding more ba, I'll add more bb to this batch but not to much i dont want to be shooting too much oil, i lump up like a mofo.

Warm it up shoot it, warm it up shoot it, warm it up shoot it.

its actually almost not worth the convience i thought it would provide compared to tren acetate.

oh well.
its weaker than ace too because the ester is figured in the final weight of the hormone. enanethate is heavier than acetate.
yeah I responded pretty good to acetate, maybe a bit too good, but the daily injections were killing me, so I'll take a lower dose if i can inject less.
but thats just personal preference.
you can go eod with tren ace. why would daily injects be a problem? if the gear is right and you got the right equipment takes all of 5 minutes a day or less. use different inject sites. pecs, delts, legs, glutes, tris, you get the point.
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