New member and a simple dosing question


New member
Hey fellas,

New member here on this board. I've been lurking and a member of a few boards online educating myself on the ins and outs of cycling. I have a local friend whom I trust and i've known for over 20 years that was in the and still is in the bodybuilding scene so I usually rely on him for information.

I am currently in cycle and it is my third cycle. Fourth if you include the DECA cycle I did in my late twenties. I am now 43.

I started cycling again in 2015 at a bodyweight of about 165 lbs. I do BJJ competitions and submission grappling so becoming a huge bodybuilder wasn't my goal. It was to pack on as much lean muscle as my body would allow and my life/training would support. I included a progress picture that was taken about 7 months ago at the end of my last cycle. I was 181 lbs in that picture.

So fast forward to now and i'm now 184 lbs. I'm hovering at around 11-12% bodyfat. Visually I look about twice the size as I was so the cycling at this age has worked for me. I am about 95% convinced that I am going to go the B&C route since it seems that it'll provide me a quality of life in my 40's and 50's I wouldn't have otherwise. So after that I'll most likely become a TRT lifer.

My current cycle that I'm on now is as follows:

50 mg Tren A M/W/F
50 mg Mast M/W/F
50 mg Test P M/W/F
250 mg Test C Monday
Anavar 50 mg ED

I started the cycle on the 13th of November. Strength is thru the roof. Body looks great and I'm growing everyday and getting massive pumps. My libido is thru the roof. A little ED rarely, but I have both viagra and cialis if needed.

The bigger problem is, I have a little gyno developing cause seemingly i'm sensitive to testosterone. I considered playing with the Test C dosage to drop the total test used. However instead I have my hands on Exemestane and Raloxifene. Liquid. I am fine with using both compounds however my question comes down to how the hell do I dose this???

Both compounds came in a spray bottle that sprays out the gel. I had heard that most pumps are TWO pumps will be the metered amount specified by the bottle (30 mg per ml, 30 ml per bottle) for example. Two pumps would be equal to 1 ml is how I read it. My question is how to dose it? Squirt it in my mouth? Shoot into shot glass and mix with water????

how are you guys taking your AI's and SERMS etc, if they are not pill form???? Sorry for such a dumb question first off the bat.
instead of adding more compounds to your problem try reducing the other compounds like the tren and both types of test. thats alot of compounds to begin with and only for your third cycle.
best to reduce and evaluate and get blood works done.
Your aromatizing load is 150 mg/wk test p and 250 mg/wk test cyp = 400 mg/wk. The tren, mast, and anavar don't aromatize.

The standard recommendation from the sticky for 500 mg/wk test is 12.5mg ED for exemestane. For your dose of 400 mg/wk 10mg/day would be good.

Figure out how to dose that from your spray bottle and you'll be good. Save the ralox for when you are off cycle to clear up any gyno left around.

Did you know those shoulder stars would get you killed in a Russian prison?
Hahahaha I was aware of the stars thing. Lol.

Thanks fellas. Solid info. I measured out the spray bottles and it seems 6 pumps is equal to 1 cc in a syringe. Since 1 cc equals 1 ml I’ve beem using the Exemestane at about 10 mg per day. Alongside the ralox. I’ll reduce the test load from the Cypionate as well. Back
Off to 3/4 a cc once per week. Cut it back to about 180 mg vs 250.
You need to EAT MORE. at 400mg test/week I'd stay away from AI. 400mg a week is barely higher than a young bloke's natural testosterone, so the estrogen will stay within range. There shouldn't be any side effects worth mentioning at that dose, especially with split injections. Taking aromasin with such a low dose of test definitely will cost you gains.
I have one thing to say ... You could reach where you are and farther with 3 compounds. Really way too much crap. Just TEST and Tren will do all of what you are doing or trying to do with what you are taking. If you get to know the profiles better you will see overkill. There is only so much synergistic activity a body can differentiate and perform in a cycle. AND work collectively to be useful. A difference between overkill , over coverage and usefulness.

:) just my opinion :insane:

Good Luck... OMM
You need to EAT MORE. at 400mg test/week I'd stay away from AI. 400mg a week is barely higher than a young bloke's natural testosterone, so the estrogen will stay within range. There shouldn't be any side effects worth mentioning at that dose, especially with split injections. Taking aromasin with such a low dose of test definitely will cost you gains.

????? 400 barely higher than natty? Your pic looks like you definitely know what you're doing. How much test should a cycle have?..... a third cycle let's say
make sure not to ease up on your increase in food all throughout your pct and surely after your pct as well.
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whats this? you got some personal experience with this? i heard russian prisons make turkish prisons look like a country club.

I'm also a bit curious about meaning behind those stars but should google swedish prisons. Thats country clubs for real real lol :P
In the Russian mafia and prison system you get certain prison tat badges of honor by earning them. Stars on the shoulders are some, as are stars on the knees. If you had the stars without earning them you are a dead man. There is a whole code of tattoos that can be read like a book, how many prison terms, where served, etc. etc.

There was an interesting show on this on the History channel.