Cycle question for Test P/ Dbol/ Tren A


New member
Hey y'all,
New to the forms and first time posting but been reading the forms for quiet sometime. As I begin to gather the necessities for my next cycle have a few quick questions if one could throw in some input for me on those and any critiquing of the planned cycle as well.

Little about me.
26/ 6'1"/ 230lbs/ last check was 12.6%BF
completed two cycles in the past. 1st was a 12wk Sus 250 and 2nd was a 12wk test with 6wks winny.

For my next cycle looking at:
1-12 Test P 125eod
1-4 Dbol 50mg ed
5-12 tren a 50mg eod
Adex .5mg ed

Nolva 40/40/30/20
Clomid 100/100/50/50
Letro on hand just in case sh*t hits the fan during or post. But so far havent seemed to be gyno prone.

Now for the few quick questions I have:
1. Would .5mg prami ed while the tren is in play be sufficient? To much? Or start from day one? Choose this as it is easy to get.
2. Have 8wks worth of EQ@400 per week. Would utilizing it from weeks 1-8 be worth it or should I save this until i can run it much longer into the 16+ week range?
3. Anyone recommend running GW-501516 on cycle an post as well?
4. If I were to pin M/W/F instead of EOD would this cause an unsafe spike in blood levels. Reason I am asking is i tend to skip town on the weekends an ideally wouldnt want to bring my gear on the road with me so I can pin on the weeks.
8 weeks of eq isn't worth doing.
Why do you have letro instead of a serm like ralox? Letro will just crash your e2.
Why are you planning to pin test p for 12 weeks instead of just running cyp or test e? Long time to be pinning that frequently especially on a third cycle.
Tren can be a real beast. It has sides that even the vets don't want anything to do with. I can tell you one thing about tren, most will say the sides are more manageable pinning every day as opposed to eod. You mentioned just pinning 3 times a week. I guess you'll see what everyone is talking about.
If I were you, I would run test e for 12 weeks. Running dbol for the first 4 weeks would make much more sense with a long ester. Running test p with dbol on your first go around will most likely have your estrogen all over the place. Not something you want right before starting tren. The tren I would keep at weeks 5-12 but I would pin 50mgs every day. That isn't a terrible starting point. If you insist on keeping the test p, I would drop the dbol and lower your test dose to around 200mgs per week. You probably won't too crazy of sides with a low dose of test. Just my thoughts...
If i were to swap to cyp@400 a week the estro sides from dbol would be manageable to proceed into the tren but swap that to ED@50? Or should I just drop the DBOL all together?
Letro was tossed in as a freebee, an was hesitant to utilize this even in worst case scenario.
For the ralox would you feel running the course of the cycle at 30mg a day as a precaution? Or just if there is a flare up?
Thoughts behind test p was to have the same pin days for the test and tren. Not the test c/e on M/Th and tren eod. But guess that wouldnt be an issue if i was to pin tren ed as mentioned above.
I would drop dbol all together. Run test cyp or e at 200mgs per week for the whole cycle and pin tren 50mgs every day weeks 5-12. You can start tren earlier and you can up the dose if sides are good.
You don't have to start using ralox till sides appear that are estrogen related. With keeping your test dose low, you shouldn't have any sides with test and not many at all with tren. If you want to run dbol the first 4 weeks, that's up to you. Tren is pretty anabolic and should do the job alone..
Thank you for the input. Will drop the dbol and save it for another time. See if I can get my hands on some cyp and run as you suggest for my first go around. Now say I cant get cyp and already have prop, would something like an 8wk cycle of 100mg prop EOD and 50-75mg tren ED be another alternative. Or should I try to keep the test closer to 200 per week.
You can still use prop. I'm just suggesting to keep your test dose low so your able to manage sides better with tren.
To OP "tdiesel18" I could input a little but really nothing different then what Tbone is advising. He's got ya pretty well covered here and just for you knowledge I agree with Tbone with all of what he has said to you...... Oops my cop-out but just keeping it simple here.

Let us know what you are doing Please :)

Sorry for the delayed response been out of town on business. Going to go with an 75mg EOD of test p and 50mg of tren ed. Going to drop the Dbol tell another run. Probably start in the next few weeks.