Anyone here been or used Accutane ?


New member
Just curious if anyone has used or currently on it and mixed it with a cycle. I'm about to jump on my 3 month on Accutane and started my cycle a month ago without telling my doc. This accutane thing is such a big deal to doctors were they monitor my overall physical and mental state on a monthly check up including my monthly blood work for it. I told my doc before I started that I was using AAS an told me stop coz Accutane will cause low bone density and muscle weakness. No other warnings but those.

Oh by the way Accutane is a steroid for acne. Last resort of medication if any other topical or any if those oral meds with "Cycline" at the end of the name don't work at all.

Thanks guys!
Be safe!
after watching this guys horrible reaction to that drug, I would tread very carefully with that medication.
my mom also had horror stories about her cystic zits oozing out on their own while she was in public while on accutane.
I've heard from other people that have taken it that it's the absolute last resort if all else fails.
Don't let this prevent you from trying it out but just be cautious of what you put into your body.
Yeah I've been on 20mg eod for several months. Bloodwork has come back fine at such a low dose and sides are minimal. Acne is completely cleared.
after watching this guys horrible reaction to that drug, I would tread very carefully with that medication.
my mom also had horror stories about her cystic zits oozing out on their own while she was in public while on accutane.
I've heard from other people that have taken it that it's the absolute last resort if all else fails.
Don't let this prevent you from trying it out but just be cautious of what you put into your body.

I've had cyclic acne before accutane. I'm just tired of looking like "Quasimodo " from he hunchback of nature dame... Lol!

That's why doc and I decided to do it. So far I'm clear. First 2 months was horrible but I'm past that stage so now my skin is dry as the Sahara desert!

Thanks for the feedback!
Good for you man! Acne sucks balls! I'm pretty cleared up now but still have a few months to go. Doc has me on 100mg daily.
Also on test cyp 600mg and deca 400mg a week. So far I'm fine , no breakouts and bloodwork seems to come out ok from the doc. She mentioned some of my levels raised but not to crazy. In my head it's coz of my cycle that I haven't told her.... :spank:
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I used it a few years ago and it cleared me up. I was around 800 mg and the accutain was still working. The worst is your lips. The only chap stick I could find that worked was the Hollister Chap Stick. My wife kept buying me chap stick until we found one that worked.

The only other issue I had was that it would elevate my LDL and triglycerides so my doc put me on Liptor to counter and I was fine.

One thing I learned later is that if your acne is that bad, try another source. It possible it may not be as clean as you think, or your body may like another blend better.
I used it a few years ago and it cleared me up. I was around 800 mg and the accutain was still working. The worst is your lips. The only chap stick I could find that worked was the Hollister Chap Stick. My wife kept buying me chap stick until we found one that worked.

The only other issue I had was that it would elevate my LDL and triglycerides so my doc put me on Liptor to counter and I was fine.

One thing I learned later is that if your acne is that bad, try another source. It possible it may not be as clean as you think, or your body may like another blend better.

Same here, both my LDL and tryglicerides raised a bit too. Lips and face are so dry ts sucks!
Also thought about my source which could matter a lot.
Alright, my story is a bit abnormal I believe.
I was on Accutane in high school, I started in early june. At first, my acne got ten times worse, then it started to go away and all seemed good... UNTIL football camp started. the Accutane had made my skin so weak every time my skin hit a helmet, slid on the turf, ect... it ripped open and would NOT heal. Literally I was made of athletic tape from my elbows and knees down. I stopped using it, acne came back but my skin healed up.
Conversely, my little bro took it that same time frame, and had no bad side affects. His acne went away and stayed away.

Perhaps if I had finished the Accutane "cycle" my acne never would have come back, but it wasn't worth the damage it was doing. just my .02

Going on my 4th month on accutane started with 80mg a day first month, 100mg a day second and third month, doc wants me to finish after the forth month! At 120mg then all done!! She said I could do5 months if I wanted to but we'll see. At the same time I'm on a test cyp / deca / high cycle and blood work is good and acne is clear!!! Fuck yea!!!

I'm just glad coz I have acne issue since the high school and gotten worse as I gotten old with AAS. It's just nice to feel good about yourself and look freakin' huge at the same time!!!
I'm at 60mg, was at 80mg at first, a day with accutane month 3 and I'm completely clear of acne. Stuff works wonders and only side effect for me is really dry lips. Get aquafor healing ointment it works good just have to put it on every day.

As for taking it with a cycle, I'm sure that is not recommended lol but they have me take blood work every month so you will know if something is out of whack pretty fast and hopefully soon enough to not cause permanent damage.
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I'm at 60mg, was at 80mg at first, a day with accutane month 3 and I'm completely clear of acne. Stuff works wonders and only side effect for me is really dry lips. Get aquafor healing ointment it works good just have to put it on every day.

As for taking it with a cycle, I'm sure that is not recommended lol but they have me take blood work every month so you will know if something is out of whack pretty fast and hopefully soon enough to not cause permanent damage.

Yep! Dry skin and lips are the sucky part but got those dialed in. Lol! Moisturizers cetaphil and medicated Chapstick works for me just fine. Tho aquafor is great too.
I actually do my bloodwork every month too and with my cycle , my bloodwork has been great tho red blood cell is a little high which doc said nothing to worry of.
Good thing that I stumbled on this forum. You gave guys the idea to use accutane to clear my acne. But of course, I should consult my doc first. Thank you very much!
I've used it twice in my life...once in highschool for 11 months and then again in my twenties for 13 months...I recently looked back at my medical records and my lipid profiles were absolutely horrible during that time's been about 9 years since the last time i took it and i'm mostly acne free. I'm currently on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and i notice that when my E2 rises, I tend to break out pretty quickly...I crushed my E2 levels to the bottom of the range once (not purposely) and my skin had never been so clear.