Anyone know how to make sterile oil ?


New member
Hey guys , so i need to know how to make some sterile oil to dillute test i have. The pip from it is ridiculous and lasts for days

I know u can use a whatman filter and filter store bought grapeseed oil but i cant get ahold of whatman filters .
Does anyone know a way this can be done by simply heating the oil or with BA or BB ( Benzyl alcohol and Benzyl Benzoate ) ? i have both
I have no experience in this field but what popped up in my brain instantly...
Buy sterile medical oil?

Interesting subject but im to tired to research. Hopefully someone can offer more help in what you actually asked for :)
lookup "temperature to sterilize bacteria" in google. It gives you a figure. Then look up your compound and try to find where it starts to degrade, keep it below that.
lookup "temperature to sterilize bacteria" in google. It gives you a figure. Then look up your compound and try to find where it starts to degrade, keep it below that.

Appreciate the help man . thank you . So you think that possibly putting say grapeseed oil in the oven around 180 for 1 hour is good ? Then just bottle it ? no BA or BB ?
Go to Med-Lab Supply.
They have Pre-Filtered Carrier Oils for sale from 50 Ml to 5 Gallons.
Then you don't need to Filter it, just add what you need.............................. JP
yeah, it's easily to find gso oils on internet, do not forget to order USP grade. Filter again will be helpful, 0.22 um filter will be appropriate.
First heat it up so it will be more viscus. stack .45 filter to a .22 filter so that it first passed threw the .45. If you don't use a .45 first you will clog the .22 and be stuck. The .22 is the standard for lab sterility. Filter in to a sealed sterile vial. then bake it in the over at 350 degrees for 15 minutes. Make sure you use a syringe to vent the vial while it bakes but make sure the needle does not reach into the oil or oil will bubble out of the top as it bakes.