Anyone still using Var with tren


Never Satisfied
Hey everyone! Haven't been on here for almost a year, Haven't been on anything for over a year now too :). Just wanted to see if any members here are still using Var with tren ace. I'm debating to hop on a cycle as soon as I plan it out correctly.

The last cycle i ran was
Week 1-10 tren ace 300mg/week
Week 1-12 Test prop 300mg/week
Week 1-10 var @ 60-70mg/ed

Then after PCT right away i had some problems so i decided to get back on test e for another 8 weeks after i realized this was a dumb IDEA!!!! I had blood test done however a month ago... and all the results came in good :). Test levels are in the normal range :).
Tren var or tren winny works nicely. 10 weeks is quite a long time for var. I never run it past 6 weeks. But if you're good with 10 weeks then go forrr ittttt.

Welcome back
I love the combo with the addition of test!!!

Even more so I like running anavar and dbol at a mile dose...

Here's my favorite way to run them...

Anavar is a Class I anabolic steroid - and was designed to have a very strong separation
of anabolic and androgenic effect... and is most effectively stacked with Class II compounds
such as Dianabol or Anadrol.

Most people do not stack Anavar with Dbol - for two reasons - first, we think of Anavar for cutting
and Dbol for bulking - so it only makes sense to start the cycle with Dbol and end with Anavar.

Also both compounds aren't typically used for more than 6 weeks - but I am able to run them
longer for the following reason...

Normally running both compounds together - you would break the - "only one oral rule" - however
I like running these two at medium or a little lower level so you're not overdoing the oral compounds -
which allows me to take advantage of these two together for much longer periods.

Dbol increases strength (and bloat) Anavar increases strength (no bloat - lean gains.)

I came across this in partial from hearing of Arnold and Mentzer running dbol at low doses for
very long times.
Cost would out weigh the results. Get Masteron P. Costs less, same results and won't put a hurt on you liver like an oral will. Although Var is mild as far as effects on the liver I would still be leery about running it for 10 weeks.
Running it as we speak brother. And am very impressed with the results so far. Ive ran both separately before but together they really compliment eachother.

What are you thinking youd like to run this time around and what doses?
Running it as we speak brother. And am very impressed with the results so far. Ive ran both separately before but together they really compliment eachother.

What are you thinking youd like to run this time around and what doses?

(When I ran them together, it was the shit, however diet was the key to have it have the best results for me. Tren is just unreal drug that will change you like a mofo haha)

Honestly, I'm a sucker for Tren now ever since I've tried it haha. I would run mast, but my hairline is already messed up. I was thinking maybe something like this. I'm thinking about doing a show, so maybe something like this. Feel free to change it up.

Week 1-15 Test E 600mg/week
Week 9-15 Tren A 400mg/week
Week 1-4 D-bol 40mg/day
Week 1-17 HCG 500ius 2x/week

Then of course pct.

This is what I ran before, however the tren ace dose would be higher, kinda scared of running the Tren again, only because after the 3rd time using it, I had CRAZY heartburn pain to the point where I thought i would go to the ER, but then took OTC med, and it went away.

Week 1-14 Test P 300mg/week
Week 1-8 Tren A 400mg/week
Week 9-14 Var 80mg/day
Week 1-14 HCG 500ius 2x/week.

Maybe run no Tren at all? Maybe Deca (Never used Deca)?
Cost would out weigh the results. Get Masteron P. Costs less, same results and won't put a hurt on you liver like an oral will. Although Var is mild as far as effects on the liver I would still be leery about running it for 10 weeks.

I agree, I had test done, but never had a problem show up. I honestly feel like I need to run var at least for 8-10 weeks in order it to be worth it. Anything less than 6 weeks kinda seems like a waste to me.
(When I ran them together, it was the shit, however diet was the key to have it have the best results for me. Tren is just unreal drug that will change you like a mofo haha)

Honestly, I'm a sucker for Tren now ever since I've tried it haha. I would run mast, but my hairline is already messed up. I was thinking maybe something like this. I'm thinking about doing a show, so maybe something like this. Feel free to change it up.

Week 1-15 Test E 600mg/week
Week 9-15 Tren A 400mg/week
Week 1-4 D-bol 40mg/day
Week 1-17 HCG 500ius 2x/week

Then of course pct.

This is what I ran before, however the tren ace dose would be higher, kinda scared of running the Tren again, only because after the 3rd time using it, I had CRAZY heartburn pain to the point where I thought i would go to the ER, but then took OTC med, and it went away.

Week 1-14 Test P 300mg/week
Week 1-8 Tren A 400mg/week
Week 9-14 Var 80mg/day
Week 1-14 HCG 500ius 2x/week.

Maybe run no Tren at all? Maybe Deca (Never used Deca)?

All of my tren cycles are Tren E so take that into consideration... I'll give you something that has worked
GREAT for me... plus you'll have some wiggle room for adjustments.

I should also mention... I'm blasting and cruising, so you'll have to choose a duration that works best for you.

Plus I run my blast phases longer than most people... with the proper AI and hCG I'm always able to extend my
blast phase and shift into a cruise without seeing any downside from extending the blast.

Test-e 200-300mg/week
Tren-e 600-800mg/week

Dbol 20-30mg and Var 40-50mg for the duration of the whole cycle... you are breaking the only one oral rule
however - you are running each one at a mild dose so it's not any harder than running one at a higher dose.

The two actually compliment each other - and here's why...

We know exactly how dbol works - so let's look at Anavar... the purpose or use of oxandrolone when it was created (designed)
was for the promotion of lean tissue growth during catabolic illness... mainly from surgery drama, infection, or prolonged
corticosteroid administration - or the support of bone density in patients with osteoporosis... how ever you look at it - it supports
strength and quality muscle tissue gains.

I can best describe the combo in layman's terms...

Dbol gives you undeniable size and strength - however, it will diminish once it's discontinued... for anavar, it works synergistically
and promotes the quality of tissue gains - which also helps with the benefits and gains of dbol.

HCG - 500ius 2x/week - five weeks on, one week off - repeat.

Back to test and tren...

For me, the reason for running tren higher came from reading that both test and tren are very androgenic and compete
for the same androgen receptors - so you really want to have more of the dry lean and mass gains from tren
over test.

There are two different schools on compounds competing for receptors... and I simply decided to try running tren
higher regardless of either side of the debate, and it has worked out very well.

If I want to maximize my gains I will run tren higher than test...

At times, my workload is very heavy which hurts the consistency of my workouts... so in that case, I run my test
higher than tren.