Anyone tried Trenavar?


New member
I read some write-up on trenavar (Estra-4,9,11-triene-3,17-dione) and supposedly it's supposed to be almost as potent as real tren mg per mg. I HIGHLY doubt this, however has anyone tried trenavar? And if so, what were your results?
FYI: If, no when, I am ready for tren I will do the real deal. I'm just curious to hear how this stuff measures up.
It's supposed to be a ph that converts directly o trenbolone. there's a presale on it at elite muscles right now.
You want to do real tren? What are your stats and what's your cycle plan w/ ancillaries?

....oh ya nothing is stronger than tren on a mg:mg comparison...except real oral tren (Methyltrienolone)
I said WHEN I am ready for tren. I'm waiting for my 4th cycle, that's when I'm planning to do tren. It's powerful stuff, and no need to get the sides- night sweats, vivid & fucked up dreams, pissy attitude- when I could still gain more from just test and maybe another compound added on the side. I hope that one day I'll get to use the stuff, but I'm not ready yet.

When I do use tren I'm going to do 75 mg eod for 6-8 weeks, depending on how bad the sides are and assuming my kidneys don't start to shrivel up. I'd run it with low dose test, keeping it lower than the tren so that tren doesn't have to compete with the test for the androgen receptor, prolly around 150 or 200 mg per week. Just enough test to avoid tren dick and to not feel like walking death.

Interesting to hear that oral tren is stronger. I wouldn't of thought that. Guess it's google time.
A friend of mine did a cycle, I saw his 6 week progress picture, I wasn't impressed. The guy knows what he's doing, so his diet/routin are out of the question. If you're concerned about the brutality of Tren, then def do acetate, it's the shortest ester so if you experience the unwanted sides, it will be outta your system in no time. I'm about to do my third cycle and will be doing Tren at 100 mg eod for 9-12 weeks. What I'd say is that when you're 'ready' you can start with 50 mg eod and up the dose slightly till you find your sweet spot, as far as trenavar goes, I'd say you better save that money for movie night.

I like your careful approach as AAS shouldn't be taken lightly, but I think you're overestimating the 'brutality' of Tren. I know a retard at school who does 1000 mg a week and he doesn't seem tortured by it. Now, I'm not saying everybody is the same or you should up the dose, but Tren at 225 mg week for 6-8 is barely effective.

P.s to avoid Tren-dick, use caber or prami, to keep all prolactin sides at bay. And allthoght test and Tren will compete for receptor saturation, Tren will always win because it has higher binding afinity.
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Ive read a few reviews and it seems to be ok. Some say it converts fairly high while others say otherwise.
Ill be running it here in a few weeks
go for trenazone instead. you will need 2-3 bottles. ppl got decent results with it. i would stack with another ph also. helladrol would be nice.
Ive read a few reviews and it seems to be ok. Some say it converts fairly high while others say otherwise.
Ill be running it here in a few weeks

Tell me how your cycle goes as far as sides and gains and stuff. Are you making a log?
I honestly would love to run tren right now. It's pretty tempting. My only worry is a that I'm in a relationship right now and I'm worried I'll get tren aggro and be an asshole. I'm a pretty chill guy by nature though, so I probably don't have anything to worry about.
I honestly would love to run tren right now. It's pretty tempting. My only worry is a that I'm in a relationship right now and I'm worried I'll get tren aggro and be an asshole. I'm a pretty chill guy by nature though, so I probably don't have anything to worry about.

Look dude, most of us have girlfriends, and even more have wives and kids. Yet, they still use Tren. I believe it will make more of who you are, if you're an asshole, and you take tren = you will be an asshole on tren.... that simple. The only thing I'd say is keep stress or stressful matters as away as possible and use Tren Acetate, if you get aggressive "which I highly doubt" you can discontinue using it and it will be out of your system really quickly, whatever you take will drop in half every two days until its completely gone, i.e monday 100 mg, wednesday 50 mg, friday 25, sunday 12, tuesday 6, thursday 3, saturday 1.5, monday .75 mg, etc.... until its completely out of you system.
Look dude, most of us have girlfriends, and even more have wives and kids. Yet, they still use Tren. I believe it will make more of who you are, if you're an asshole, and you take tren = you will be an asshole on tren.... that simple. The only thing I'd say is keep stress or stressful matters as away as possible and use Tren Acetate, if you get aggressive "which I highly doubt" you can discontinue using it and it will be out of your system really quickly, whatever you take will drop in half every two days until its completely gone, i.e monday 100 mg, wednesday 50 mg, friday 25, sunday 12, tuesday 6, thursday 3, saturday 1.5, monday .75 mg, etc.... until its completely out of you system.

I'm no asshole by nature, that's for sure. But I've read about a guy doing 150 mg eod, or ed can't remember but that dose seems a little high, and went from being a really chill guy to a complete dick. On top of that I've heard that tren truly is the only steroid that really can give you some degree of "roid rage", not that such a thing really exists. And from the logs I've seen it makes people really pissy.
I'm no asshole by nature, that's for sure. But I've read about a guy doing 150 mg eod, or ed can't remember but that dose seems a little high, and went from being a really chill guy to a complete dick. On top of that I've heard that tren truly is the only steroid that really can give you some degree of "roid rage", not that such a thing really exists. And from the logs I've seen it makes people really pissy.

I'm always skeptical when I hear about stuff like this. Keep in mind half of what you read is from some nerdy kid living a fantasy life behind a keyboard. That being said, I'm sure some people are affected differently by some compounds. But I've personally used tren at least a half dozen times with no sides, just great gains.
I'm always skeptical when I hear about stuff like this. Keep in mind half of what you read is from some nerdy kid living a fantasy life behind a keyboard. That being said, I'm sure some people are affected differently by some compounds. But I've personally used tren at least a half dozen times with no sides, just great gains.

What dosages do you run, for how long, and what are your typical results?