anyone use m1t for around 8 weeks???

8 weeks? Not wise my friend especially with an 17aa steroid.

4 weeks will suffice and depending on cycle experience and weight, I would start off at 10mg and go from there.
theHULK9281 said:
8 weeks? Not wise my friend especially with an 17aa steroid.

4 weeks will suffice and depending on cycle experience and weight, I would start off at 10mg and go from there.

have you ever done 17aa's more than 4 weeks and had your liver values checked? i know guys been on them for months and years. i get so tired of all this hear say. 4 weeks is not a cycle. its a joke. anybody who says this dont know what they are talking about. i suppose 10mg is a big dose too. some guys are taking 100mg/d. and they aint dead. dont give advise if you dont have a clue or if someone's friend told one of your friends.........

8 weeks is fine 16 is better. let me post an article i wrote for another board.

"I couldn’t agree more on this one. Most guys/girls don’t have a clue on doses and stacking. They see Fred taking dbol and test and next thing you know they are doing it too. This commonly referred to as the blind leading the blind. The real culprit here is not the amounts and types but rather a lack of understanding on how Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) work and how they don’t work. Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) are not a magic elixir of the Gods. Take them and you will grow like Ronnie. I say HOGWASH. Education is the key. Learn the in and outs before you ever poke that ass. Just cause it’s on a board somewhere don’t mean it’s the Gospel. In fact these boards can be the worse place to get info sometimes.

Now for my thoughts on mega doses of AAS. I like them. Why, cause if you know how to use them properly and you understand your body (that comes with lifting maturity) you will get more gains from heavy doses compared to a moderate doses. Now will 3g test per week give 3 x the effect as 1g test per week? No. But there will be a difference. Is stacking different types of Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) together a good idea? Yes, if you know the pharmacology of the juices you are combining. A perfect example of this is the test/tren stack. The sum outweighs the parts on this one. It’s the same with test and GH. Some Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) are very fast working while others take a while to show effectiveness. Some give more lasting gains though be it in a slower less dramatic fasion.

If you got a plan and know where you are headed then by all means load up if you know how to do it safely. For the average gym rat large doses are not necessary. If you compete at the top level then it may be necessary.

Another topic I like is length of cycle. How long do I stay “on”? It has been my experience that short cycles produce short gains. I read now days about 2 on and 2 off cycles. Seems like this craze started with the release of M1T. Our bodies are designed, whether thru creation or evolution, to adapt to the environment in which we dwell. I think we can all agree on that statement. Therefore the longer we dwell in a place the more we adapt to that environment. You may not get 33% many more gains from a 24-week cycle than an 18-week cycle but you will retain more of the gains you acquired during that time period. I honestly know more people now staying on year round doing cycles within cycles that I do folks cycling on and off. Guess which ones are making more progress?

I love talking weight training and supps. I have been my biggest guinea pig. I took what I learned in the books and applied it to my self. Some things work and some don’t. As always while cycling keep a check on sides and do what you have to keep them down. If you need anti E’s and a kick-start for the ol’ nuts then by all means use them, as they are available and cheap. Check you BP and other factors if these are a problem for you. Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) usage can be done safely and effectively if it is backed up with education and knowing your body".

And to all a good night.
pullinbig said:
have you ever done 17aa's more than 4 weeks and had your liver values checked? i know guys been on them for months and years. i get so tired of all this hear say. 4 weeks is not a cycle. its a joke. anybody who says this dont know what they are talking about. i suppose 10mg is a big dose too. some guys are taking 100mg/d. and they aint dead.

Dont get your panties in a bunch, PB. No, I have never done a 17aa over 4 weeks because I stop seeing benefits around that time frame.

As for 10mg, it's a starting point because I didn't know his Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) history. I'm not going to tell someone who's never touched a PH/AAS to start off with 50mg of M1-T....hence the reason I said "depending on cycle experience and weight, I would start off at 10mg and go from there."

pullinbig said:
dont give advise if you dont have a clue or if someone's friend told one of your friends.........

if yuy stop seeing benefits after 4 weeks then something is wrong. thats about the time they supposed to start kicking in good.

didnt mean to sound abrupt. sorry. sides i dont wear panties.

orals been around long time before m1t was even thought of. year long doses and longer have been going on for decades. safely. if you get your levels chaecked and they are high ala will normally bring them down. but there is only a small % of folks who will have a prob and of those normal levels return almost immediately after administration is stopped.

once again sorry if i came off hard. no harm intended. no really.......
I did a fairly long low dose of cycle of andro when I first started, I fucked up my liver somewhat but everything slowly came back to normal, and I lost most of my gains.

that was my first one, I even ignored the directions on the bottle for cycle lengths.

so now I'm doing a 4 week m1t cycle, with all the right post cycle therapy (pct) and liver sups and seeing/keeping some good gains

my bench max went up by about 50lbs after 2 cycles of m1t, some other stuff good stuff. All in all I'm happy

except this 4 week cycle is getting miserable, especially when I bumped my dose from 10 to 20 for 3rd and 4th week. I'm pretty sure I know how old overweight people feel now.
to be honest if you will push thru that 4th week most of the sides will stop. thats about the time your body becomes acclimated. there are foks doing 50, 75 and 100mg/d of this stuff and getting incredible results.

if the sides start to get bad take a few days off and start again.
I might add another week and than my supplies run out, so does my time. I'm leaving for a vacation on aug 23 and I gotta finish my post cycle therapy (pct) before that

as for getting acclimated, I know what you're saying. my first m1t cycle, my bp was going through the roof, this time lethargy is not too bad but another week of this is gonna suck ass.

I dont know I'll try that if I can
whjen you say you ran a cyce of andro, what is that.

how was your liver F'ed up? did a doc check you out and determine that or what?

also my bp was thru the roof first time around. that is some potent stuff.
have fun on vacationn and keep us posted of your results.

50lbs on you bench ina short period of time is incredible. thats somethig all can relate to.
It was the pinacle andro poppers from what I remmeber, I had no idea what the hell I was doing at that time, I just got them at gnc. Basically from what I remember is that I did a low dose, for a very long time, like though the whole summer. On top of which I used to drink while on it, not too much but I used to do it about once or twice a week, maybe few beers and stuff like that.

My liver was fucked up because I had a blood test done, which was for something else and it showed that few of liver values were up, not too bad but they were up there. this was about 3 weeks after I stopped taking andro so it might have been worse before that.

Oh and I dont know about short period of time, but I know that I ran a 2 week cycle of m1t, followed by post cycle therapy (pct) another 2 week cycle followed by a good post cycle therapy (pct) which always helped me keep most of the gains and all the stregth. 4 weeks after the last m1t cycle I'm on it now again which is gonna be my last one this year. So I'd say about 6-8 weeks and my bench was up by around 50
jarni said:
It was the pinacle andro poppers from what I remmeber, I had no idea what the hell I was doing at that time, I just got them at gnc. Basically from what I remember is that I did a low dose, for a very long time, like though the whole summer. On top of which I used to drink while on it, not too much but I used to do it about once or twice a week, maybe few beers and stuff like that.

My liver was fucked up because I had a blood test done, which was for something else and it showed that few of liver values were up, not too bad but they were up there. this was about 3 weeks after I stopped taking andro so it might have been worse before that.

Oh and I dont know about short period of time, but I know that I ran a 2 week cycle of m1t, followed by post cycle therapy (pct) another 2 week cycle followed by a good post cycle therapy (pct) which always helped me keep most of the gains and all the stregth. 4 weeks after the last m1t cycle I'm on it now again which is gonna be my last one this year. So I'd say about 6-8 weeks and my bench was up by around 50

did they do a hep screen on ya after that? a lot of physicaly active folks who eat a lot of protein have elevated liver counts. no way to tell for sure what caused the levels to be high. how high were they? % wise?
I dont even remember, it was few years ago and that year everything went back to normal

Something that made my blood thicker than usual and clot easy. Wasnt cholesterol related. Rest of the levels were in in upper normal ranges but only one was way to high.