Anyone used Roxi Labs recently??


New member
Hi guys, I'm brand new here but I was hoping that I might find some knowledgeable people here. Anyone tried roxi labs recently? Just started test e 250 this week and zero pip. Vials are definitely a little under filled. I used a large syringe and extracted only 9 ml.... Hoping its legit. Label says 99% corn oil and 1% alcohol but obviously that doesn't make sense. I contacted roxi and he says its just a list of ingredients bro, no differentials.... Whatever the hell that means.... Any input would be appreciated. Thanks!
Never heard of them.. But I do know that most if not all UGL's .. The vials only have 9ml instead of 10ml.. So that's normal..
never used them but I haven't heard the best reviews about him. There was some dirty stuff going around and I know it hurt his reputation
Thanks. It was very cheap so if it turns out to be good then it will be awesome

Remember you get what you pay for most of the time and this is something you will be injecting into your body. Roxi Labs has alot of mixed reviews but don't base your decision around price. Do some research and decide which lab sounds the best and go from there.
Thanks for the advice. I agree. I definitely want to be safe and everyone that cycles should also. I will keep y'all posted once it kicks in. Looks clean. Glowing golden with no particles... We shall see...