Anyone watch Operation Repo? Ya think Matt is cycling testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) or neither?


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Anyone watch Operation Repo? Ya think Matt is cycling TRT or neither?

Been watching the show on Trutv lately. Personally I think he plays too much a macho guy and over does it for the camera, but its pretty cool. The guy looks decent for an older guy, you think hes running anything?
this guy?

Did you guys see the episode where he flipped a car he was towing cuz he had to shit so bad? Haha then he started crying like a baby lol. That was funny...
Did he send you that pic snigg?? lol Im just fuckin with ya man.

His test levels are just slightly high, lol I think its hilarious. the one I cant stand is the heffer with the fish hook in her lip.
Did he send you that pic snigg?? lol Im just fuckin with ya man.

His test levels are just slightly high, lol I think its hilarious. the one I cant stand is the heffer with the fish hook in her lip.

Yea i cant stand her either, she is so trashy, reminds me of dog the bounty hunters wife. She has no business even bein on the show. You know shes only there cuz her bro owns the business.
it is all re inactments if you read the first part of the show, it is based on actual events, so all that you are watching is fake as fuck and happend months ago...... read the shit when the show first starts... It aint live ...
Sonya ya she is a fat nasty skank and needs to learn what make up is supposed to look like.... I can believe the other guy used to fuck her and was married to that skank.... sick fucker...
it is all re inactments if you read the first part of the show, it is based on actual events, so all that you are watching is fake as fuck and happend months ago...... read the shit when the show first starts... It aint live ...

Haha i never actually read that, ill check it out next time, shit seems fake as hell but its cool.
Ya it is fucking halarious no doubt about that ..... But it is all just re created..... Matt is definatly a dildo , him and his mma shit yet the guy moves like a elephant with one fucking leg..... I dunno I think he re minds me of trhe cell soldiers in the pen.. talk shit behind a door make em look all bad ass then get fucking handles when the locks pop... He talks too much, and there aint no need for all that shit, boy I ma gonna fuck you up I ll rock your world blah blah blah, then someone has a gun and he pisses his panties and runs screaming gun gun gun .... fuckint putz... I think the marine fat ass lou is probably more hardcore that They have actually showed him just put fools on there asses way quick, where as matt is like a kitten with mittens on
look at that pic real close you can see a pic of snigg and matt in the background just fucking with ya snigg..
the funniest episode by far is when they try to repo a zamboni from an ice rink. the hockey dudes kept spraying him with ice and he couldnt take 2 steps without falling on his ass. the guy eventually got a huge ice pick kinda thing to scare them with. funny shit...
Did you guys see the episode where he flipped a car he was towing cuz he had to shit so bad? Haha then he started crying like a baby lol. That was funny...

OH GOD, that shit was funny as hell. Any damn body knows that you can drive a freaking tow truck too fast and turn the corners too fast when you have a car hooked to the tow truck. And what about the dumb ass geeky camera man inside the car. They told him about 3 times to NOT get in the car and he slipped in anyway. That was good for his ass to get thrown around a bit in that car.

Is it me or does Matt look macho with his shades on but like a pussy with them off? I laughed at the time they repo'ed a Daloreon. Matt was acting so bad but the puny ass Micheal Jackson dancing gay boy kicked him in the balls when his back was turned. :laugh: