Thunderstruck's testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) transforming Journal!!!


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Thunderstruck's TRT transforming Journal!!!

Although I've been on trt/hrt for almost 3 weeks, I began the active part of it today. I began the workouts and diet today. (5/22/2012)

I was always active in sports and in the gym and always looking for my next chalenge until about 3 years ago. I was diagnosed with avascular necrosis and had to have a full left hip replacement at the age of 35. I was told it was probably from an old sports injury that never healed. The top of my femur was basically crumbling from lack of blood flow. I took about three months to recover and then tried to get back in gym and be active again. It never felt right and hurt if I tried to do too much. After 2 years I had to have it redone because the metal onn metal replacement had never molded to the bone. On top of everything else I had metal poisoning from the loose metal shaving off into my blood. The 2nd replacement in august of 2011 seem to to be working for about 6 weeks but then the knee pain began and come to find out the hip socket was weak from the first replacement and the 2nd one was now sliding down into the shaft of my femur splitting it and cracking it. Hip number 3 came in december of 2011. Recovery was going good until new years eve when I was rushed to the hospital with 105 fever. Blood tests came back with strep B, and staph infections in my leg. I was in the hospital for 2 more weeks having procedures to clean the leg out. I was sent home with an iv picc line and gave myself iv antibiotics for 8 more weeks. Anyway finally think it feels acceptable. I have been doing physical therapy ever since leaving hospital and now getting back into gym.

During all this my weight and bodyfat climbed as I self medicated my increasing depression with crap food and soda pop. My libido became nonexistent, and I had very little motivation to get back to work. Its not surprising that when I had bloodwork done to check hormone levels they were all in the tank.

Im ready to takea my life back. I have all the tools and just need to put them to use.

My plan is to combine proper nutrition, training, hormone replacement, and supplements in order to recomp my body to that of a sexy 25 year old athlete.

TRT Protocol
Testosterone cypinate 210 mg e5d
Hcg 500mg 2x week
Armidex e5d day after test shot
Danazol 25mg daily

B12 1000mcg weekly
Dhea 50mg daily
D3 5000iu daily
Protein powder

Provided by 3j in form of carb cycling.

Weight training 4-5 times a week
Cardio - 30 to 45 mins am on empty stomach

Ive hired a personal trainer to keep me accountable. I have plenty of knowledge in gym but for motivation and accountability I believe its worth it for me plus he is knowledgeable in working around my hip and other injuries.

My stats
Day 1 309.2 lbs
Bf%- upper 30s

8 week goal is to get bf% under 25%
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Day 2
Weight - 307.2 (down 2 lbs)

Cardio - recumbent bike
Day 1 - 30 mins - 5.89 miles
Day 2 - 30 mins - 5.84 miles

Met with trainer tonight for first time. We hit legs and done some focused training on the hip muscles since they are so weak. He didnt take it easy on me which I am thankful for. It was the hardest Ive worked out in 3 years. I will definately be sore tomorrow.

The diet is going good. Its a learning process as far as timing and prep work. The hardest part is eating that much. I havent been hungry and had plenty of energy for the weight training even though it was late in the day.
Day 3
Weight - 304.4 (down 4.8 lbs)

Recumbent bike - 30 mins - 6.02 miles

Another hard workout with the trainer this evening. Worked chest and upper body compound lifts. Im stronger than I thought I would be from not lifting heavy in so long. Ivenever been so excited to be sore.

Im improving everyday with the diet. I didnt have any carbs today and still had enough energy. It was also test cyp shot day. It has an awesome psychological boost taking that shot to start your day.
Best of luck to you Thunder. Stick with 3J & bust ass. No doubt you can make a huge transformation.
Day 4

Weight 305.2 (down 4 lb)

Recumbent bike - 30 mins - 5.64 miles

Diet was in check all day until the evening. I went to my daughters high school graduation : ( My mom put a big after party buffet together. I was weak but kept it to one plate. I wont beat myself up over it and get back on track.
Day 6

Day 5- 305.2
Day 6 - 302.4
Day 7- 298.0 ( down 11.2)

Cardio - recumbent bike - 30 mins - 5.80 miles

I was so sore saturday morning I decided to take weekend off of cardio. I had planned to do a session of hiit but I think you have to listen to your body, especially this early in the game.

I stuck to the diet but was having some serious sweet cravings. My wife had some cocoa almonds that appeared ok according to the nutrition label. I took a handful of these each time a craving hit and it got me through. It wasnt the red velvet cake I was wanting but was proud to get past it.

The weight has just melted off me. Ive always reacted well to low carb but 3j's carb cycling takes it to another level.

Happy Memorial Day to all the Veterans and thier families!
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Day 8

Weight - 299.2 (down 10.0 lbs)

Cardio - recumbent bike - 30 mins - 6.32 miles

Diet was ok today but off a little because I didnt prepare myself for any surprises. I need to make sure I always have a back up plan when stuck.

Had a great leg/back workout this evening. I feel stronger every time I lift. I have found it extra important to warm up and stretch to keep the bum hip from tightening up on me.
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Day 9

Weight - 297.2 (down 12.0 lbs.)

Cardio - recumbent bike - done after weight training 15 mins HIIT

Diet was ok but got up late. It makes it hard to get all the meals on those days you sleep in a little.

Had a great shoulders and upper compound workout.
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Day 11

Day 10 - 297.0
Day 11 - 294.0 (down 15.0 lbs.)

I know its a lot of water weight but starting to wonder if Im dropping weight too fast. I know I still cant get all the food down. Ill talk to 3j about it. I also need to send him pics and measurements. Im slacking.

Cardio - Yesterday done 30 mins am empty stomache on bike with middle ten mins being interval training. Today10 mins HIIT after weight training.

Had an awesome upper core workout tonight! Done planks for first time in forever and not surprising they suck as bad as always.
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Day 15
End of first two weeks.

Weight - 297.2 - down 12 lbs.
I had been down to 294 but I have really struggled on the diet over the weekend and last couple days. I've had a lot of sweet cravings and sadly have given into some of them. My wife t has been out of town a lot for business so there goes my awesome cook and my own work has kept me a lot busier as well. Im not making excuses but I am saying these are the things I havent been preparing for and my diet took the fall.

Ill still celebrate the 12 lbs in two weeks and refocus.

Workouts are going great unlike the diet. Hiring the trainer was the right move. He pushes me harder than Id ever push myself.

And the biggest news of the wifeis pregnant!!! It was one of the main reasons to get on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). My libido had been shit as well as my health. I want to name the boy Cypinate hahaha
Just a quick update
The bad thing about Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is once you start feeling good when you havent in so long, you start trying to tackle the world. Ive been working a lot. My client base has doubled since on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and I am not online as much. I did slip off the diet. I fel bad about tht because it was working. It wasnt an easy diet but if it was we would all look like arnold. 3j had me set but I let him down. Also since my wife became pregnant it kind of side tracked me. The good thing is Ive stayed in the gym consistently. My bench has went up over 40 lbs. I plan to recommit on august 12th which will be exactly six months until Im a daddy again. I was 18 the first time. Ill be 39 by the time this one gets here. Ugh!!! Im going to need to be in the best shape possible. I will have an updater Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) protocol. I am switching to test enth forless water retention and adding in oxandrolone temporarily to help recomp a little. I may start back on 3js original diet or talk to him about something I can stick with easier. Ill try to update as much as I can. Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is still one of the best choices Ive ever made.