anything to get rid of pimples on cycle?

Accutane. You can try some apple cider vinegar.

Is isotretinoin (accutane) safe to use DURING a cycle? There is potential for some pretty bad side effects (heart stuff)...
If I had the option,--I would try to get the accutane scripted first, shrink your sebaceous glands, then hit the cycle. But that's just playing it super safe.
get a shower brush and some anti-bacterial body wash and scrub the hell out of yourself, and go tanning in a stand up booth.
Is isotretinoin (accutane) safe to use DURING a cycle? There is potential for some pretty bad side effects (heart stuff)...
If I had the option,--I would try to get the accutane scripted first, shrink your sebaceous glands, then hit the cycle. But that's just playing it super safe.

Everything has side effects and it's all dose dependent. The bad sides you hear about Accutane are cause by doctors giving too high of doses to their patients.

It's safe and side effect free in low doses. I'm talking about 40/mg per week. The so called standard dosing is 40/mg and up per day.

I've been taking accutane for years for acne with no sides. I take 20/mg pills twice per week, which is a very low dose. It keeps the acne at bay when on Tren or Test.

As far as getting a prescription for Accutane, it's not as easy to get. Most doctors will not prescribe it unless you have horrible acne. Maybe you'll find a lucky one that will. It's easy to get and it's cheap.
i second that. I tried to get accutane through my primary care route, but was told to try something else instead.
what i like about it is that it can permanently shrink sebaceous glands so you dont have to worry about acne ever again

I believe for gyno you would use Aromasin 12.5mg. Look it up on other threads, that's where I saw it.
I have found that Proactive works really well. Renewing Clenser in shower and Blemish Treatment after. Cleared my skin almost completely in less than 2 weeks.
A woman can develop hormonal acne at any time during these nine months, but it is especially prevalent during the first three months. This is because the hormone levels in the first three months are fluctuating wildly. Every woman is different and even every pregnancy is different, but normally the acne will lessen as the pregnancy progresses due to the increased estrogen levels driving out the male hormones.
read more about Get Rid Of Pimples !!!
I would under absolutely no circumstances be taking accutane while using an oral AAS.

Even at 40mg, I'd want liver values checked monthly and no booze or orals.
Before rush in accutane try to wash areas with Nizoral shampoo (ketakonazolo ) it will remove local DHT which mostly cause acne (beside high e2)
The most effective thing to fight acne and pimples on cycle is going to the tanning salon. The UV light kills the bacteria that caused the breakout.
That's the only thing that ever helped me. Wife gives me hell for tanning though.

Also, adex at 1mg or more a week gives me horrible, painful cystic acne. Once switching to aromasin it has largely gone away. Enough that tanning will sort it out anyway. Took me 3 years to figure out and my adex was fucking me up.
I would under absolutely no circumstances be taking accutane while using an oral AAS.

Even at 40mg, I'd want liver values checked monthly and no booze or orals.

I wouldent take it at all, on or off orals, its nasty shit...
try harsh antibiotics before resorting to this nasty stuff. even at a low dose...
Try doxycycline, but I don’t know where to get it without andoctors prescription. If anyone knows...please let us know! I’m looking also!
I wish I could find a solution to this, even a low dose, 140mg per week of test causes bad breakouts on my back