Are peptides from the site good?


New member
Are peptides from Sarmsearch good ?
And is it dangerous for a 21 yo guy ? since it can be slightly supressive.

I'd like to test S4 + LGD for a 8 week cycle , with a 4 week nolva 20/20/10/10 for PCt , is it a good idea?
Can i have the same results then a EPI cycle for exemple ?

"However, they do help with creating a leaner body. SARMS have similar properties to those steroids. However, they can provide similar results without negative side effects including retaining water" , is that BS or true , i mean can you gain 10lbs of lean muscles in 8 weeks with S4 and eating a lot/good food?
Dangerous? Yes. They are suppressive as many guys here have attested to.

You might want to try talk with one of the sponsors here about using them when you are older and your brain/endocrine system has fully developed.
sarms arent peptides.
Focus on diet, training and rest. Much to made in the way of natural gains. There ill be time for things like these later on. I dont like to recommend any HPTA suppressing compounds (no matter how minimal the suppression is) until age 25 to be honest.
Yea i was talking about SARMs .
Well , i've been training for 5 years now , and i plateau , i only gain 1-3lbs/year of lean muscules , and it demotivates me ..
I diet well , train 4 times or 5 / week , and i didn't work since 2 years , so i sleep 10 hours/night.
I need something more , i've used a lot of supps , AI's , DHEA supps etc , but nothing really helped , or maybe formeron/dermacrine stack did a little bit.
Is it possible to use nolva or clomid for 8 weeks , then 4 week break , then again , to get high natty test levels? is that a good idea?
Sounds like you need to eat more food. If, at every meal, you eat clean and you eat until you just about feel like throwing up I can PROMISE you that you will gain more muscle if you keep up the lifting routine you claim to have.
well , i gained 35-40 lbs of lean muscle , now i plateau , and trust me i really do , i must gain 1-3 lbs of LEAN muscle/year , even with bulking like eating like a pig , or staying at 2500 calorie s/ day , i can up to 160-165 lbs , but when the cut arrives , come back to 150.