Are there any permanent risks using Proviron?


New member
Hi, I am trying out proviron to raise libido. This is the first steroid I’ve taken. I’m testing it out at 25-50mg ED. My understanding is this steroid is relatively safe, but I have a couple questions that I was hoping some people on this forum could help clarify.

  • What are the risks with taking this drug at a 25-50mg daily dosage?I heard mixed comments on whether the drug is suppressive. Any insight on this? Also, this might be a silly question, but if it is suppressive, does that mean it is permanent?
  • Do I need to do anything special when stopping?
  • Are there are any permanent benefits? Like deeper voice or more defined jaw line after stopping?

Thank you! Any help would be much appreciated.
hi, why did you choose proviron? what libido issues are you having??
what are your current stats?

body fat
Here is the thing, proviron increases sex drive by lowering shbg. There is a catch though, after about 2 weeks your body adapts and even if you continue using proviron your shbg will return to its normal levels anyway. So your fighting a losing battle. You could start at 25mg/day, then at 2 weeks when it stops working up it to 50mg/day but then what? After another 2 weeks when it stops working again what are you going to do? Anything over 50mg/day and you get significant suppression and then your right back to square one.
I really dont think proviron is the answer for you (or for much of anything to be honest).
Do you have blood work so we could pinpoint the exact reason for the issue in the first place?
If its just libido that is an issue the peptide ipt-141 works wonders on libido. At a dose of 1.5mg for about the next 3 days its impossible for me NOT to think about sex. Thats a good, non hormonal solution IF yours is strictly a lbido issue. That being said I still recommend full blood work to try to find out the root cause of this issue.
21 years child support...I m 10 yr s into my

And love it.

It s anti aromat. properties are waaaay over rated I m o. I ve used it but will not anymore...pointless on trt for me.
yah bloodwork would be able to tell you everything you need to know . maybe your low t and need trt . maybe some hcg would help you . try and get blood work done
21 years child support...I m 10 yr s into my

And love it.

It s anti aromat. properties are waaaay over rated I m o. I ve used it but will not anymore...pointless on trt for me.

Ah ha ha haaaa, you always make me laugh.

But listen buster, you got 11 more years to go... :(