Are there side effects from propicia(finastride)


New member
I'm in my mid 40's
just came off tren/test
taking HCG 500iu/day then will take clomid
I had prostate enlargement and i chose not
to get the finastride. But now I have the start
of some hair thining and I would like to bring it
back but afraid of the sides from propecia.
What should I do?
Probably get more replies in the Anabolic Forum. The Chem Study is more for people who are homebrewing gear.
But to answer your question, I have a couple buddies that said finasteride had a bad effect on their libido. That's about it.
Thanks bleachcola,
I had way too much trouble with impotence
on tren and my next cycle i was thinking of doing
test 1g/wk and nothing else . Maybe with this much test any effects of
libido with finastride will be negligible? I will post in other
forum later.
Killed my libido for sure. Took it for a long time and it just got worse so I stopped. Things got back to normal after a couple months of being off of it.
finasteride decreases serum blood levels of DHT significantly. this can lead to decreased libido, and gyno if estrogen levels are slightly elevated. many proscar users that do not use Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) develop gyno after sustained use due to the decreased androgen levels (dht) and resultant bias towards estrogen in the body.

I would not go over 1.25mg/ eod.
1.25 mg ed or eod of finasteride , is that enough to keep my hair and prostate in normal
condition while I'm on 1gm. of test/week
(including arimidex ) ?
StarT out EOD, if you need more go to ED.

There is no guarantee, you just have to see how your hair responds to 1g test/wk.

The idea is to use just enough proscar, not more than enough.
I'm currently off-cycle and using Propecia on Mon, Wed, Friday's, due to side's. I have had minor hair surgery done a few years back and the Dr gave me scripts for it and advised to take 1mg EOD due to my mionr hairloss and my age. I had a break of about a year and a half, then starting cycling so I started back up again. When off I can't handle 1mg ED due to the sides such as low sex drive, difficulty mainting an erection and lower amounts of ejaculation fluid. (Instead of being able to shoot across the room, it dribbles out
I ordered the generic fenesteride from india (cheap) and when it arrives I will have to
break the pill in half to get ~ 2.5mg since i ordered the 5mg tabs. I was under the impression that 5mg was the best dose but from this thread I think differently.
no way bro, stay away from 5mg doses. i have had the 5mg/s before, just cut them into 4 pieces to get your 1.25mg dose.