Are there still any good epi's out there

i use to love the old epithio's like havok, and competitive edge's clone. Ive been running strictly aas for the past couple of years with the exception of one Test/superdrol stack.
I'd like to throw some epi into the cycle i just started.
I ordered some havok off ebay last year and it was either fake or weak as hell..
Anybody know of a good clone still in circulation?
didnt someone buy the havok name though? I saw some stuff when i googled it, but it wasnt by rpn.. the stuff i bought off ebay last year was the original rpn havok, but it was really suspicious.. Its kinda why in trying to find a reputable clone
Still being sold as an RPN, the originator of Havoc, so unless they bought ALL the TM's and IP's to go with it. I think these are legit, they certainly worked for me.. doubled the weight of 75% of my movements., so much so I had trouble keeping up with the strength gains, I kept starting my first sets WAY too low for 3 weeks. Shrunk my 'old man boobs' as well.

I'm taking epivar now which is a clone of epistane. This is my second week and noticing some good pumps, esp in bicepts. So far taking 3 a day and it's going well. Will be a good kickstart for my cycle.
Still being sold as an RPN, the originator of Havoc, so unless they bought ALL the TM's and IP's to go with it. I think these are legit, they certainly worked for me.. doubled the weight of 75% of my movements., so much so I had trouble keeping up with the strength gains, I kept starting my first sets WAY too low for 3 weeks. Shrunk my 'old man boobs' as well.

Yeah, the effects it has on gyno is one of the things I love about it. I'm running test/dbol right now an in a couple of weeks I'll be throwing tren into the mix.. I has fairly bad issues with gyno and would like to run Eli rather than an Aromatase inhibitor (AI), or estrogen blocker