Am i too young to cycle? 18?


New member
Im 18 200lbs been taking dbol for 5 weeks 30mg a day and 500mg test e weekly for 3 weeks so far pining on sunday i posted another thread and people where telling me im too young to cycle after doing some of my own reaserch(which i really should of done more of beforehand) i realise my body is still developing and i could potentially put the brakes on that when i come off my cycle. Ive got another planned 7 weeks of test and no dbol will it be damging to finish this cycle and then go natural until my bodys ready? In other words will it make any odds finishing my cycle or just startimg pct now my other concern is im going on holiday in a few weeks and dont want too feel like absolute shit while im away having no test pumping through me! Cheers for any advice! Ive been trainimg 2 years btw and feeling like ive hit a wall with gains that why i ordered my gear but im going to be sure to stay away for a good few ywars even though im loving the rapidness of the gains its not worth fucking my hormones up for a few lbs of muscle evn if i am looking better than ever im sure its achiveable in time! I think im going to order some clomid for my pct aswell to be on the safe side if somone could give me a hand with doesage aswell would be appreciated!
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Yes your too young to cycle and stop posting thread asking the same question.
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Im 18 200lbs been taking dbol for 5 weeks 30mg a day and 500mg test e weekly for 3 weeks so far pining on sunday i posted another thread and people where telling me im too young to cycle after doing some of my own reaserch(which i really should of done more of beforehand) i realise my body is still developing and i could potentially put the brakes on that when i come off my cycle. Ive got another planned 7 weeks of test and no dbol will it be damging to finish this cycle and then go natural until my bodys ready? In other words will it make any odds finishing my cycle or just startimg pct now my other concern is im going on holiday in a few weeks and dont want too feel like absolute shit while im away having no test pumping through me! Cheers for any advice! Ive been trainimg 2 years btw and feeling like ive hit a wall with gains that why i ordered my gear but im going to be sure to stay away for a good few ywars even though im loving the rapidness of the gains its not worth fucking my hormones up for a few lbs of muscle evn if i am looking better than ever im sure its achiveable in time! I think im going to order some clomid for my pct aswell to be on the safe side if somone could give me a hand with doesage aswell would be appreciated!

Come on bud. You know the answer :-). But you're looking for someone to tell you to keep playing Russian Roulette. Ain't gonna happen on this site, bud. Perhaps if you post on some shit ass site where nobody gives a fvck what happens to you, then you might get the answer you are looking for. :-)

If you hit a wall, then train and eat smarter. Or if you are on a plateau, work you way thru it by making some changes.

OR Fvck your body up and spend the rest of your life on this site telling others what you did wrong.

I'm trying to help you. How am I doing, bud?
Im 18 200lbs been taking dbol for 5 weeks 30mg a day and 500mg test e weekly for 3 weeks so far pining on sunday i posted another thread and people where telling me im too young to cycle after doing some of my own reaserch(which i really should of done more of beforehand) i realise my body is still developing and i could potentially put the brakes on that when i come off my cycle. Ive got another planned 7 weeks of test and no dbol will it be damging to finish this cycle and then go natural until my bodys ready? In other words will it make any odds finishing my cycle or just startimg pct now my other concern is im going on holiday in a few weeks and dont want too feel like absolute shit while im away having no test pumping through me! Cheers for any advice! Ive been trainimg 2 years btw and feeling like ive hit a wall with gains that why i ordered my gear but im going to be sure to stay away for a good few ywars even though im loving the rapidness of the gains its not worth fucking my hormones up for a few lbs of muscle evn if i am looking better than ever im sure its achiveable in time! I think im going to order some clomid for my pct aswell to be on the safe side if somone could give me a hand with doesage aswell would be appreciated!

This is like asking "Am I too young to snort cocaine?" you already know the answer to that. I know that people on this forum like to be your parent and tell you to wait,but most people don't even listen when you tell them that. It is my personal belief that if you are old enough to die in the army,old enough to go to prison for the rest of your life,you are old enough to decide for yourself what you put into your body.
This is like asking "Am I too young to snort cocaine?" you already know the answer to that. I know that people on this forum like to be your parent and tell you to wait,but most people don't even listen when you tell them that. It is my personal belief that if you are old enough to die in the army,old enough to go to prison for the rest of your life,you are old enough to decide for yourself what you put into your body.

The reason this is such a great forum is because (everyone likes to be your parent)! We want our kids to learn from the mistakes we've made to save them from the shit we had to go through. Why in the hell would we tell you it's ok to take aas at 18 when we know it's not a good idea, it's been proven through research and personal experience. OP at 18 you're old enough to make your own decisions just as Laker said but base those decisions on knowledge and facts!
Thanks for the advice im going to continue for the next fortnight because im going on holiday in 3 weeks and dont want to take my pct on the plane but when im back im gonna cut my cycle short and start my pct cheers for the advice, I dont think its the same as cocaine as cocaine does not interfere with natural hormone production and devolpment as anabolics do but you still have a point, im hoping one cycle wont have ruined my natural devolpment process (im sure it wont of) and im going to make sure to educate myself a bit more on natural body building instead of taking the easy route. Thanks again!
Thanks for the advice im going to continue for the next fortnight because im going on holiday in 3 weeks and dont want to take my pct on the plane but when im back im gonna cut my cycle short and start my pct cheers for the advice, I dont think its the same as cocaine as cocaine does not interfere with natural hormone production and devolpment as anabolics do but you still have a point, im hoping one cycle wont have ruined my natural devolpment process (im sure it wont of) and im going to make sure to educate myself a bit more on natural body building instead of taking the easy route. Thanks again!
stop now imo
But i wont be able to startm my pct for 4 weeks going on a 2 week half life i thought that would be worse for me?
But i wont be able to startm my pct for 4 weeks going on a 2 week half life i thought that would be worse for me?

Ok Lets look at this. You are worried about getting thru PCT while on vacation. And the guys here want you off your cycle asap so you don't hurt yourself.

Perhaps you should tell us your PCT plans (how you are going to do PCT). And the guys here who know PCT can tell you if you are doing it right and if you have legitimate concerns about PCT ruining your vacation. I'm on TRT for the rest of my life and therefore have little knowledge of PCT.

So. let's dig into this a little deeper and then you can decide with a little more education to help you.
So Mr. Crocky98 :-) how do you plan to do PCT?
Im just concerned that if i stop and delay pct then its going to cause me more harm than good i know you guys know your shit but i just want to be sure

No, you're thinking the damage is done either way, so why not get the most out of it. :p

Honestly, isn't this thread a bit late to be starting? You knew the answer before you put it up, you knew the answer before you got your first reply, and you certainly still know the answer.

You're too young.

Are you perhaps hoping for someone to pop in and tell you that you should continue? Tell you that you aren't risking erectile dysfunction, stunting of growth, permanent HPTA shutdown, premature cessation of brain and neural development?

You're going to have to wait two weeks either way dude; do you want to do it now, MAYBE saving yourself some risk, or do it at the end of what you know is a mistake?

You're a big boy, you decide. ;)

My .02c :)
Im not thinking the damage is already done ive decided to risk continuing until i go away as its my 1st time away with freinds and have spent alot of money to be feeling like shit for 2 weeks im not wanting somone to tell me its alright i know the risks now and wish i looked into it more before. I was more intrested in the pros than cons and did not realise age had such a dramatic role to play on recovery. I was thinking about droping to 250mg a week until my holiday to keep me at normalish levels will this be beneficial or not?
I know your probably thinking im an idiot for staying on but I really dont want to ruin my time away and am ready to face the harsh reality after i come off. My PCT will look something like this.
Week 1: 50mg Clomid / 40mg Nolva ED

Week 2: 50mg Clomid / 40mg Nolva ED

Week 3: 50mg Clomid / 20mg Nolva ED

Week 4: 20mg Nolva ED

Just so you all know im not just taking your advice and ignoring you im just trying to find a way that works for me even though the risks are high.
Ive had a split second change of heart im going to stop now and wait until i come back from holiday to start my pct I really dont think its worth it any advice on my pct would be great also should i order some hcg or is it pointless doing it after cycle cheers for the brutal honesty guys been a real eye opener maybe ill have a bit of a longer think before i start injecting hormones into my body next time! Another thing if i start pct 2 weekls after my last pin and take a small does if test the day before i go as a pick me up will it be back to square one on the pct side?
Ive had a split second change of heart im going to stop now and wait until i come back from holiday to start my pct I really dont think its worth it any advice on my pct would be great also should i order some hcg or is it pointless doing it after cycle cheers for the brutal honesty guys been a real eye opener maybe ill have a bit of a longer think before i start injecting hormones into my body next time! Another thing if i start pct 2 weekls after my last pin and take a small does if test the day before i go as a pick me up will it be back to square one on the pct side?

I don't PCT myself as I'm on TRT, so I'll defer that one to another member. There's no such thing as a pick me up. You inject hormones, or you don't. Your body responds the same; the pituitary goes to sleep, doesn't matter if it's 25mg or 2500mg. Some will argue that one shot shouldn't do much, however, you've been suppressed already - which is a big deal.

SERMs OR test, not both. :)
I don't PCT myself as I'm on TRT, so I'll defer that one to another member. There's no such thing as a pick me up. You inject hormones, or you don't. Your body responds the same; the pituitary goes to sleep, doesn't matter if it's 25mg or 2500mg. Some will argue that one shot shouldn't do much, however, you've been suppressed already - which is a big deal.

SERMs OR test, not both. :)

Ok cheers mate i think im going to stop the shots altogether until the day before i go away have a final shot and then begin pct as soon as i get back cheers for taking the time to give me some help! Much appreciated brother
Wow! You are all over the place. :-)
So you want to stop injecting for three weeks which means you may suffer Low T effects for the last week or so before vacation. Then in three weeks, take a shot to get you thru the two week vacation. And then when you get home, start PCT. Wow!!

Questions for the guys in this forum: Would it be better if Crocky98 started PCT now and had his hormone levels back to almost normal before he went away? (I'm asking as I know nothing about PCT as I'm on TRT for the rest of my life.)
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Ok cheers mate i think im going to stop the shots altogether until the day before i go away have a final shot and then begin pct as soon as i get back cheers for taking the time to give me some help! Much appreciated brother

Above in bold? Really, just because you age young doesn't make you stupid. But sorry , how do I say it nicely , you are being stupid. This is a hormone not speed. Listen screw around some more and you just might not restart for ever. So you are ready to risk this for what. You are 18. I was 18 and I remember some things I did that were so fvckin stupid but ya know I had to live for that moment. So of these things helped mold my habits and choices still to this day yea 45 years later.

I wish I listened to my father, my uncle and family. Oh how I would do so many things differently. Do what ya gotta your a man right. Listen sometimes it's not all about , Oh I just want and I'm willing so suffer the consequences. You came here for what? Good luck kiddo .
Above in bold? Really, just because you age young doesn't make you stupid. But sorry , how do I say it nicely , you are being stupid. This is a hormone not speed. Listen screw around some more and you just might not restart for ever. So you are ready to risk this for what. You are 18. I was 18 and I remember some things I did that were so fvckin stupid but ya know I had to live for that moment. So of these things helped mold my habits and choices still to this day yea 45 years later.

I wish I listened to my father, my uncle and family. Oh how I would do so many things differently. Do what ya gotta your a man right. Listen sometimes it's not all about , Oh I just want and I'm willing so suffer the consequences. You came here for what? Good luck kiddo .

Yhea im going to start my pct asap and bin the gear do you think the doesages above will be sufficient and will it matter starting a few days early on the pct i pin on sundays but if i start pct on next Wednesday it will take me up to the day before i go away.