are we getting closer to the foutain of youth??


U sick fucker LOL
I tried...I can not find her.

If you can she is back in there.

I just googled "Hot Georgia Cheerleader"....or 'Hot Georgia...something"

I dunno. Whatever. Guess my pecker wasn't big I'm going over to that 'well-endowed' thread now to let off some steam
We need a restart on this thread lol The initial topic is actually really interesting.
We need a restart on this thread lol The initial topic is actually really interesting.

let's keep religion out of this, I purty much had to clean a bunch of mess,so let's not fuck a good thread thxs,

phatty and Mrs P are on a mission for the sake of the world, what a sacrifice lol, got to love people that are willing to sacrifice for a good cause so let's leave them alone please :D
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Fascinating! Thank you for posting this.

I've been taking resveratrol for 2 years now and would love to add a telomerase supplement such as the one I just read about called TA-65. I hate to jump on bandwagons but it does look interesting to merit at least trying it for a while.

Maybe a little GH+ resveratrol + TA-65 will equal a very old version of me still hitting the gym hard 30 or 40 years from now.

Anyone taking it or know of someone that is? The TA-65

Intereting ZeeK how D.N.A is very much like a shoe lace with plastic tip's on both end it start to shorten and shorten untill it falls apart, cells are much same they are in a time frame of 60 reproductive life than it dies, so this explains the aging process, ZeeK were can I get resveratrol & telomerase??
Sorry I jacked your thread P! I sort of lost it there. Was gona PM u an apology then the power supply on my pc smoked! LOL guess it couldn't take the heat.

Any way Sorry but thanks for letting me Barrow Mrs P LOL