Neither, both...anarchist, national sociolist.....
Really though...I m an anti-entitlement minded, governement stay out of my house and quit raping my paycheck to pay for sub humans whose irresponsible behavior, more babies for more cash is only further reinforcing this mindset of irresponsible behavior.
You can t feed em don t breed em ..
U on welfare you don t fkn vote, but you will take a urine test.
This country was founded by, and the constitution written for a moral and religous people.
30 yr old women with 6 kids from 5 men ??? Makes more money than I do...sterilize.
A man with 7 kids from 4 women..paying no or little child support- Sterilize.
And an army of lawyers to protectthese rights in case she suddenly goes and score a 150,000 a year job to feed her kids. And what are them kids gonna do...
Remember what the demographic make up of the colonies was when the constitution was written....
What does, Detroit, New Orleans, Newark, Zymbabwe, Liberia ( Most of that continent), Haiti, Jamaica have in common....
What does Northern European countries and Japan have in common.----HOMOGENY. And declining birth rates to try and conserve resources.
OK Liberals attack...I ll crush you with facts, studies, scientifiic data, crime and birth statistics, projections and irrefutable evidence.
We re in trouble people. And I m not excluding white trash, illegals that hop on the governments back.
So much pop culture celebrates gang banging, baby making, trashing women and authority and getting a fkn job is down right uncool now. I know few teen agers who work now..I washed dishes after school and weekends. It s much easier to kick back and complain bout the "man " than it is to do actually do something to better yourself.
Wonder how many babies Trayvon would have fathered prior to going off to jail...he was a violent foul mouthed little thug wannabe who got what he deserved attacking and beating that wierd ass cracker. Zimmerman saved us millions in tax dollars.
Don t let the moderator title scare you from calling me a racist piece of shit or whatever it is you want to OK ? I can handle these talks...I relish them.
I too carry with a license and at work. I ve never discharged my weapon in anger and I m proud of that...but I will...
I got some stats ready that cannot be whined away with poverty, socio economic depravity. My ass.
I too love my country but we are giving it away to people who have the self control when it comes to breeding-------------of rabbits, but with a love of violence that borders upon worship...eeeeaaaaaahhhhboyeeeee hoop hoop