Are you Liberal?..............


New member
I just want to get to know some of you. Do you consider yourself Liberal or Conservative?
What best describes your views, or how do you feel about how America is progressing currently?
More conservative. The future seems scary. Not only for me but my children. Idoubt they'll have near the same rights as we do now. Plus the way the govt Is running shit, I wouldn't be surprised to see a coup d etat along the way
this is a good thread I'm a conservative Republican what I see happening now is we have a liberal president and he is incompetent Russia and china is taking us for a Joke with all the scandals, I believe in God I believe in the constitution and these liberals are trying to take God out of the flag take away Christmas change our second Amendment, they want to infringe it, I'm not going to stand for that, I stand my ground
I'm disgusted with our Government with all the scandals now, I'm surprised Obama hasn't been impeached for his way of running my Country
I'm a political centrist and fiscal conservative. I definitely stand my ground and have taken ground overseas for the military. I carry daily and hope I never need to use my handgun, but I will not be caught without the ability to defend my children, my wife and myself as well any other American or tourist who needs defending. ALways liked the line from "True Romance": "Better to have a gun and not need one, than need one and not have one..."
Anyone here about the magician that has to license his rabbit?
He's being made by the Obama Admin. to have a disaster plan in case some un for seen disaster occurs.
Absolutely ridiculous!
Have to say..I joined the military in 1994. I was fearless. What's going on in this country today (politics, outsourcing of manufacturing, patriotact, exec orders), scares the "F" out of me way more than getting shot at or killed. It's slowly sucking the life out of this country. Bush signed patriotact..Bama has used to his advantage to even more damage. Reporters charged with espoinage for reporting truth. 14 yr old kid from Virginia tossed from school months ago for wearing an NRA shirt showing an M16 service rifle (which our volunteer serviceman (not drafted) used while serving our country honorable). Prosecutor sought $500 fine and 1 yr jail..which the judge eventually threw out. When we want to criminalize 14 yr old kids who have done nothing more than the constitution permits.. Disgusting.
Anyone here about the magician that has to license his rabbit?
He's being made by the Obama Admin. to have a disaster plan in case some un for seen disaster occurs.
Absolutely ridiculous!

Rabbits have more rights than the homeless now. Rabbits will save the City of Detroit from Bankruptcy. We will also learn later on the rabbits were responsible for the death of Tamara Green. Then the elephants will take over.
I claim neither...
I think democrats and republicans in office all suck. Neither side rly gives a shit. They are all interested in their own well being than anything else. The few presidents lately have all been worthless
Also most voters aren't educated on correct political science and are unaware on how the gov rly works.

I'm an American...simple as that...
Neither, both...anarchist, national sociolist.....
Really though...I m an anti-entitlement minded, governement stay out of my house and quit raping my paycheck to pay for sub humans whose irresponsible behavior, more babies for more cash is only further reinforcing this mindset of irresponsible behavior.
You can t feed em don t breed em ..
U on welfare you don t fkn vote, but you will take a urine test.

This country was founded by, and the constitution written for a moral and religous people.

30 yr old women with 6 kids from 5 men ??? Makes more money than I do...sterilize.
A man with 7 kids from 4 women..paying no or little child support- Sterilize.
And an army of lawyers to protectthese rights in case she suddenly goes and score a 150,000 a year job to feed her kids. And what are them kids gonna do...

Remember what the demographic make up of the colonies was when the constitution was written....

What does, Detroit, New Orleans, Newark, Zymbabwe, Liberia ( Most of that continent), Haiti, Jamaica have in common....

What does Northern European countries and Japan have in common.----HOMOGENY. And declining birth rates to try and conserve resources.

OK Liberals attack...I ll crush you with facts, studies, scientifiic data, crime and birth statistics, projections and irrefutable evidence.

We re in trouble people. And I m not excluding white trash, illegals that hop on the governments back.

So much pop culture celebrates gang banging, baby making, trashing women and authority and getting a fkn job is down right uncool now. I know few teen agers who work now..I washed dishes after school and weekends. It s much easier to kick back and complain bout the "man " than it is to do actually do something to better yourself.

Wonder how many babies Trayvon would have fathered prior to going off to jail...he was a violent foul mouthed little thug wannabe who got what he deserved attacking and beating that wierd ass cracker. Zimmerman saved us millions in tax dollars.

Don t let the moderator title scare you from calling me a racist piece of shit or whatever it is you want to OK ? I can handle these talks...I relish them.

I too carry with a license and at work. I ve never discharged my weapon in anger and I m proud of that...but I will...

I got some stats ready that cannot be whined away with poverty, socio economic depravity. My ass.

I too love my country but we are giving it away to people who have the self control when it comes to breeding-------------of rabbits, but with a love of violence that borders upon worship...eeeeaaaaaahhhhboyeeeee hoop hoop
Neither, both...anarchist, national sociolist.....
Really though...I m an anti-entitlement minded, governement stay out of my house and quit raping my paycheck to pay for sub humans whose irresponsible behavior, more babies for more cash is only further reinforcing this mindset of irresponsible behavior.
You can t feed em don t breed em ..
U on welfare you don t fkn vote, but you will take a urine test.

This country was founded by, and the constitution written for a moral and religous people.

30 yr old women with 6 kids from 5 men ??? Makes more money than I do...sterilize.
A man with 7 kids from 4 women..paying no or little child support- Sterilize.
And an army of lawyers to protectthese rights in case she suddenly goes and score a 150,000 a year job to feed her kids. And what are them kids gonna do...

Remember what the demographic make up of the colonies was when the constitution was written....

What does, Detroit, New Orleans, Newark, Zymbabwe, Liberia ( Most of that continent), Haiti, Jamaica have in common....

What does Northern European countries and Japan have in common.----HOMOGENY. And declining birth rates to try and conserve resources.

OK Liberals attack...I ll crush you with facts, studies, scientifiic data, crime and birth statistics, projections and irrefutable evidence.

We re in trouble people. And I m not excluding white trash, illegals that hop on the governments back.

So much pop culture celebrates gang banging, baby making, trashing women and authority and getting a fkn job is down right uncool now. I know few teen agers who work now..I washed dishes after school and weekends. It s much easier to kick back and complain bout the "man " than it is to do actually do something to better yourself.

Wonder how many babies Trayvon would have fathered prior to going off to jail...he was a violent foul mouthed little thug wannabe who got what he deserved attacking and beating that wierd ass cracker. Zimmerman saved us millions in tax dollars.

Don t let the moderator title scare you from calling me a racist piece of shit or whatever it is you want to OK ? I can handle these talks...I relish them.

I too carry with a license and at work. I ve never discharged my weapon in anger and I m proud of that...but I will...

I got some stats ready that cannot be whined away with poverty, socio economic depravity. My ass.

I too love my country but we are giving it away to people who have the self control when it comes to breeding-------------of rabbits, but with a love of violence that borders upon worship...eeeeaaaaaahhhhboyeeeee hoop hoop
Fucking love you man (no homo) totally agree
Armed and D,
Love you too man and I am a DUDE.

I used to be so homophobic but now...whatever...but I do not believe they should have "special recognition and rights" for what is clealrly a perverted life style. I 'm really not a hater...on individuals. But certain groups that have gay marches that celebrate ass packing men down mainstreet or , of all places, Disneyland...has to confuse the children that bear witness to this.
Do what you want at home, really. Fly your flag of whatever country you left to come your bag yard. Come here and hate this country and bitch about how we live, radical muslims for instance, or gangs that swear allegience more to their 3 rd world shithole they moved here from to milk our system and cause our welfare rolls to swell and over crowd our prisons..1 way ticket home mf er.

Love this land or get your ass out.

How many fat people unemployed people do you think I saw in S or Central America or Africa when deployed ?

Go to the hood and all you see is fat people eating pork rinds, drinking beer and smoking cigarettes....then they get free oxygen tanks and free insulin.....and free cell phones I hear.

The founding fathers would be so shocked at what we have let happen to what was a wonderful idea. If your a minority and dont have a degree (for free) and preferential treatment in hiring, it s cuase you don t want one. You want my Audi, a nice little house like mine, maybe my Sea Doo too...but are you willing to get your ass up and go to class, go to work and save ?
Oh no....

I had one child...cuz I don t have a farm that needs farm hands. And I like nice, if modest stuff.

And noone who can t feed them, should be allowed to breed them. What inner city family needs2-15 progeny ceppin cuz it be payin me good bitch. The gubment owes man. We was forced to come here. You d think they d be glad there are not running around with a bone in their nose banging on a drum hoping it rains...OK..I ll stop.

How many fat people unemployed people do you think I saw in S or Central America or Africa when deployed ?

7th SFG Teutonic? Another thing you said about immigrants had me thinking about my two old interpreters from Iraq, one who lost both his legs to an EFP while serving with another unit. Both were allowed to immigrate here and absolutely LOVE the difference between their home country and ours. They give shouts out to their US military brothers and wave OUR flag on American holidays and thank me whenever we talk and tell me how glad they are that their children will grow up away from crazed bombers and terrorist shitheads. One even moved to Texas, so I worry about small minded people discriminating against them. That particular guy is one of those rare "good" Muslims, and I know the fully abled guy works his ass off and always has. I have no issue with the amputee having full disability on our dime, he was fucking fearless on hundreds of patrols and didn't lose his sense of humor after getting maimed alongside American troops.

Man this thread gets me pumped up and ready to fight. I hate how our government is running us into the ground. Obama has done things other presidents have been impeached for and yet nobody care everyone loves him? Wtf?? We are going to hell in a handbascket and fast. I'm may b younger than some of you but I've worked for ever done iv got and I worked to pay for the guns iv got. I'll carry those guns tell the day the government kills me with a drone. I love this country and all the men and woman that serve it. But I'll b the first to say I hate our government, and the direction it's going.
I read through this and was going to voice my opinion but Teut basically took the words out of my mouth. Completely agree. I hate it when I hear losers complain that they are a minority. Actually, hard working people are the minority. I pay for all my groceries, pay my rent, my utilities, my insurance, my food, and I don't get thousands of dollars every year in tax returns. So actually, seems like more people are collecting that benefits than those who are working hard and paying taxes. So actually, I will say it again, I am a minority and if any of you guys on here are doing what I am doing, then you are part of my group.
Very true Rip, and just watch the future. That 47% is much larger now, current administration has done more the increase the entitlement pool and really, if you are a lazy fuck and you are given support JUST because you live here, you are definitely going to keep voting for people who encourage that mindset by continuing the dole. It's going to take something huge to get more conservatives and independents to vote for more economically sound candidates in the future. I don't know if there will be a republican president elected in the next 2-3 election cycles. The media favors the liberal bend fanatically, so no matter what sins a certain party commits, it's not newsworthy or isn't something that people need to be held accountable for.

I am hopeful, but reality doesn't seem to bear real "hope or change" for this country. We are definitely a laughing stock internationally, compared to where we've been.

Hopefully we can take back the American Ddream from the Dreaming Americans who are on line for your tax dollars for all their dozen of children they just felt like having.