Are you very active or do you prefer to just relax in your free time?


New member
I'm sure most of us rarely have free time to begin with but I notice when I have free time I have a conflict...either rest and relaxation or go clean the garage or take down the Christmas of late I choose relax cause damn it i need a nap!
The one thing about using free time to work is that it helps you burn cals ,which is great! BUT taking a nap is great too.

So what do you guys do?
i prefer mental stimulation for my free time. so i generally read, study, or do research on something. it keeps me active and doing something while at the same time providing my body with rest and recovery it needs
I'm so afraid of catabolism that I recently bought an electric wheelchair for whenever I'm not squatting or deadlifting in the gym. I used to nap all my free time away, now I'm much more active.
During my free time I play alot of bullet and blitz chess and toilet-paper my pastors house at least once a week.
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i train twice a day...

2 hour session in the morning, 3 hours in the evening.. i take weekends off..