arm pain with dbol


New member
I am doing my first cycle. I have been taking dbol only for the past two and a half weeks--I am 6 4 and weigh 220. I started by taking 20 mg/day of dbol the first week,25 mg/day the second week and now 30 mg/day starting the third week. I've been having fairly sharp pain in my elbow joints of my arms and my forearms when I put strain on them like when I'm flexing my biceps or doing chinups. I was having some minor pain in the backs of my knees the first week or so after starting dbol but it went away. Has anybody else experienced this? Should the arm pain go away like the leg pain did?
If your strength has gone up fast since you started the dbol, the pain you are experiencing could be from your tendons not growing as fast as your muscles. Your tendons are not used to the new weight you are probably pushing and thus, the pain in your forearms. I get the same damn thing but the weird part is that on some cycles it doesnt ever happen while others it does.