Armidex cycle question............


New member
i get my pre cycle blood work results Tomoz, then I'm starting in two weeks. Whilst seeing the guy at the nhs pump clinic in Manchester I got some brilliant advice about the cycle I'm going to do but he did say if i take armidex all the way through my cycle it can reduce my Estrogen levels too much which will prevent gains. I was planning on 0.5mg e3d from the start of my cycle to keep my water retention down and Esteogen levels down.

what advice can you give regarding the armidex cycle, I don't want to reduce my estrogen levels to the point I don't get any gains

Thanks guys
What are you running for a cycle? I'm on my first of just 500 test E and hcg cycle and I do .25 adex EOD and have not had any symptoms of my e2 crashing but I will be getting my half way through blood work here in a week and a half to confirm that. From what I understand Adex has a half life of I think 30 hrs so you might want to consider taking a smaller amount every other day Depending on what your cycle is IMO.
Only gains you would suffer would be boobies not sprouting. Read the link above my post, good stuff in there. ;)
i get my pre cycle blood work results Tomoz, then I'm starting in two weeks. Whilst seeing the guy at the nhs pump clinic in Manchester I got some brilliant advice about the cycle I'm going to do but he did say if i take armidex all the way through my cycle it can reduce my Estrogen levels too much which will prevent gains. I was planning on 0.5mg e3d from the start of my cycle to keep my water retention down and Esteogen levels down.

what advice can you give regarding the armidex cycle, I don't want to reduce my estrogen levels to the point I don't get any gains

Thanks guys

if you are taking too much then he is right. but I rec it start of cycle to start of PCT. lower dose if needed. I rec starting at 0.25mg eod and going from there if need to adjust with more.
but what is your cycle? i need more info.
First cycle is:

1-10 weeks - Test E (10ml vials) 1.5ml per week - dipping my toes in for my first cycle see how I react to test. The guy at the pump clinic said 1.5ml a week would be a good starting point, he was very helpful and to be fair he isn't there to deter me from steroids but to give guidance, so defo going 1.5ml a week to start with.

Pct 2 weeks after my last jab - nolva & clomid

Armidex throughout cycle as per this original thread. 0.25 e3d, up it to 0.5 e2d of water/gyno doesn't reside,up it to 0.5 ed if it still doesn't reside.

No kicker - need to see how I am on test alone first.

Hcg on hand - as per advice from the pump clinic again, use this when I feel my balls are changing etc, then use towards the end of the cycle but NOT whilst on Pct ofcourse (dosage I'll decide nearer the time when I know what my body is like)

Supplements on cycle:

Omega 3 fish oil
Myprotein - total protein
My protein - exceed bcaa pre/mid drink
Week 6-10 - animal cuts (thermogenic cuts)

I think that's everything,currently in the gym so maybe missed something but let me know.
I ALWAYS run bloodwork during cycles. It's the only way to be absolutely sure how my AI is performing and how my body is reacting. Without clinical support, I would've been wearing a bra by now to support my D cups. I cant recommend this enough. It's such a piece of mind to know everything is OK. If anything comes back out of range, you know you need to make adjustments.
Seriously read the ology FAQs. Read it twice or three times and click on the link about estrogen and AIs and read that twice over also.
Yeah I'm getting blood work done again after 4 weeks,and I'll be getting it done again once the whole cycle and pct is complete. I'll have a read at the ology section again.
Sound I'll do hcg 250iu e3.5 days,cheers.

Back to my initial question, armidex cycle. I've read through the ology, and there was also a link to this page which when reading through States to take 0.25mg armidex from week one,but that's what the guy at the NHS pump clinic said to do but did say this can lower your Esteogen too much to the point that your gains become restricted. So reading through the ology and links hasn't answered my question.

This is the link i read

Is it recommended starting the armidex after so many weeks? would it be an idea to do it week on and week off? Or is it best to do it from week 1 and just hope it doesn't lower my Esteogen too much?

Sound I'll do hcg 250iu e3.5 days,cheers.

Back to my initial question, armidex cycle. I've read through the ology, and there was also a link to this page which when reading through States to take 0.25mg armidex from week one,but that's what the guy at the NHS pump clinic said to do but did say this can lower your Esteogen too much to the point that your gains become restricted. So reading through the ology and links hasn't answered my question.

This is the link i read

Is it recommended starting the armidex after so many weeks? would it be an idea to do it week on and week off? Or is it best to do it from week 1 and just hope it doesn't lower my Esteogen too much?


Ok, here's how it works:

You take testosterone, and your body freaks out a little. It detects a sudden increase in androgens, and two things happen; one, it turns off the signal to your testicles to make more testosterone, and two, the aromatase enzymes in your body go to work - converting some of that test into estradiol.

The body is very smart in many ways, but very dumb in others. It will try its hardest to try to maintain a balance between testosterone and estradiol, even if this causes problems. As a cycle vastly increases your testosterone, you don't notice much with the exception of your testicles shrinking/hugging your body - they're pretty much put in timeout. However, those pesky enzymes start working overtime to meet this new demand to keep a precious ratio of T:E, this is even worse if you happen to have a significant amount of visceral fat, as that gives your body additional workers for the task at hand.

This is where the aromatase inhibitors come in to save the day. What they do is essentially occupy the aromatase (some permanently like aromasin), so it cannot continue to escalate your estradiol. On average, the proper dose will keep this in check from 60-97% of the total output.

This is good and bad.

It's great as you don't want to see that estradiol climb unchecked as you may grow breast tissue, piss off your prostate, hold water like a camel, possibly get some blood clotting, and likely join a knitting circle with your new found feminine side. Not to mention, your penis may go on strike.

It's terrible in that we NEED some estradiol to function. Bone density can suffer, your skin and nails may become brittle, you'll have zero energy, and your penis (being such a cooperative fellow) may go on strike. This of course being if you overdo it.

This process is always going on while cycling/using exogenous androgens, and requires constant upkeep. This is why blood tests are preached so heavily here. What works for Johnny may not work for Billy, but it does for Bobby. Due to this scenario, guidelines (more like rules of thumb) are put into stickies as dose suggestions - but a blood test lets you KNOW for certain what dose works for YOU.

TL;DR: A blood test keeps your penis from going on strike and having to find a bikini that matches your eyes. Too much or too little AI are equally bad in the grand scheme of things.

My .02c :)
Ha cracking read mate, so in a nutshell take the recommended 0.25 e3d and as planned have my blood work done 4-5 weeks into the cycle and just go from there whether I need to up the armidex or stop it for while? With the test e being a long ester I'm guessing after 4 weeks Of just 1.5ml a week I shouldn't be too worried about my estrogen levels crashing on 0.25mg e3d?
Ok, here's how it works:

You take testosterone, and your body freaks out a little. It detects a sudden increase in androgens, and two things happen; one, it turns off the signal to your testicles to make more testosterone, and two, the aromatase enzymes in your body go to work - converting some of that test into estradiol.

The body is very smart in many ways, but very dumb in others. It will try its hardest to try to maintain a balance between testosterone and estradiol, even if this causes problems. As a cycle vastly increases your testosterone, you don't notice much with the exception of your testicles shrinking/hugging your body - they're pretty much put in timeout. However, those pesky enzymes start working overtime to meet this new demand to keep a precious ratio of T:E, this is even worse if you happen to have a significant amount of visceral fat, as that gives your body additional workers for the task at hand.

This is where the aromatase inhibitors come in to save the day. What they do is essentially occupy the aromatase (some permanently like aromasin), so it cannot continue to escalate your estradiol. On average, the proper dose will keep this in check from 60-97% of the total output.

This is good and bad.

It's great as you don't want to see that estradiol climb unchecked as you may grow breast tissue, piss off your prostate, hold water like a camel, possibly get some blood clotting, and likely join a knitting circle with your new found feminine side. Not to mention, your penis may go on strike.

It's terrible in that we NEED some estradiol to function. Bone density can suffer, your skin and nails may become brittle, you'll have zero energy, and your penis (being such a cooperative fellow) may go on strike. This of course being if you overdo it.

This process is always going on while cycling/using exogenous androgens, and requires constant upkeep. This is why blood tests are preached so heavily here. What works for Johnny may not work for Billy, but it does for Bobby. Due to this scenario, guidelines (more like rules of thumb) are put into stickies as dose suggestions - but a blood test lets you KNOW for certain what dose works for YOU.

TL;DR: A blood test keeps your penis from going on strike and having to find a bikini that matches your eyes. Too much or too little AI are equally bad in the grand scheme of things.

My .02c :)
Should women use AI's?
I was told no but you seem to know your stuff and wanted to ask someone with more knowledge. Thanks!
Ha cracking read mate, so in a nutshell take the recommended 0.25 e3d and as planned have my blood work done 4-5 weeks into the cycle and just go from there whether I need to up the armidex or stop it for while? With the test e being a long ester I'm guessing after 4 weeks Of just 1.5ml a week I shouldn't be too worried about my estrogen levels crashing on 0.25mg e3d?
Sounds good to me. It's a pretty safe dose for that amount of test.

Should women use AI's?
I was told no but you seem to know your stuff and wanted to ask someone with more knowledge. Thanks!

While I do have some experience with females using aromatizing AAS, I do have to say that the doses I'm accustomed to with them may be lower than what you're planning. My wife for instance is currently on 20mg/wk of testosterone, and her estradiol/progesterone are perfect. This dose of test keeps her in the upper range/slightly supraphysiological range. When we were fine tuning things, she did pop rather high (450ng/dL) at 35mg/wk, which only seemed to mess with her testosterone, and lipids slightly.

Most of the other gals I know do not require an AI as they mostly use anavar (doesn't aromatize), primo (barely aromatizes), or winstrol (barely aromatizes). I do know a gal that cycles dbol at low doses, but I've never seen her bloodwork - although she doesn't use an AI either.

Hope that helps.
OP, listen to what people are really saying between the lines as to what you should read and halfwit's great post on a simple version of what aas does. IS..........

Stop and read up. There is so much you don't understand yet. You're on you way to an education first. Then ask more Q's and proceed with the advice we vets tell you. Good luck