
All these athletes are bringing too much negative attention to steroids. Too bad that the "media" is so slanted. There could be a real opportunity to show how responsible adults can benefit from steroids, especially with knowledgeable Doctor supervision. We should be hearing stories about how A-Rod didn't have roid rage and hasn't gotten a brain tumor, but that wouldn't make headlines.

A lot of these guys like Palmero, Arod, and Clemens are not swole. They are probably taking modest doses for performance enhancement. Seems reasonable to me compared to the extreme surgeries and modification people had for purely cosmetic and vanity reasons.
Obama even made a comment about Arod on the news this morning... that is def bad news if he is talking about it.
i never liked A-roid anyways......but i agree that gear had baseball elevated in the eyes of the fans. people liked seeing monster guys jacking balls out of the park....literally! and a good old fashioned 1-0 pitchers duel???? BOOOOOOORING!!!! unless its a guy throwing 100mph plus for 7 innings+....
I honestly have no problem with him juicing and I play baseball. But I do feel like they should not put the records together such as Bonds and Aaron.

But I also feel like they have to be honest not like Bonds and Clemens lying about it, they took them end of story no reason to lie about it.

I thought it was funny how A-rod said he didn't know what he took, yet he stacked test and primo. Bull shit he didn't know. And for 3 years? How many people do something for AT LEAST 3 years, he stacked....yet had no idea what he was putting in his body. Give him props for coming clean and admitting, but he shouldnt have tried to make himself look better and go on with a long story, the admission would have been enough and looked better.
thats his problem. I cant wait til he makes a fool out of himself in about 10 minutes.
He says he didnt know they were illegal because you can buy them over the counter in the Dominican. Give me a break, hes so full of shit. He says he shot twice a month?

"Would you have come clean if you were not caught"........"I'm here to apologize for what Ive done, I haven't really thought about it".

People are buying what he has to say too.