Aromasin use, noob in the house.


Got it today from AML 6.25mg capsules.

Running just over 500mg a week prop and E. (LOW I KNOW)

Doing cardio 3-4 times a week and endurance weight training, clean eating avoiding high carb/sodium intake etc. to cut up.

I slam water religiously and water retention and nip puffiness is killing me. Wake up in morning and after cardio shredded appearance for few hours until I consume water and eat.

I know I could run Tren and avoid all this entirely but I'm not ready/don't want to advance yet because I'm really not trying to bulk and when II dose Tren I want to get house like.

SO... good solid advice on dose to run while on cycle of just test?

I've seen anywhere from 5-12.5mg EOD but want to be sure and hear it from a more experienced users mouth.

Hopefully this post is in right place, I'm sure it's been asked a million times so hopefully I don't get shamed/flamed too badly.

Thanks in advance.
Starting at 12.5 per day worked great for me. You'll want to get bloods after a bit to make sure your E2 isn't too high or too low and then you can adjust your dose accordingly.
12.5 PER day? damn. ok. everything I saw up until this point said that dosage amount EOD. Best most efficient way to get bloods done? besides primary care provider lol.

Got it today from AML 6.25mg capsules.

Running just over 500mg a week prop and E. (LOW I KNOW)

Doing cardio 3-4 times a week and endurance weight training, clean eating avoiding high carb/sodium intake etc. to cut up.

I slam water religiously and water retention and nip puffiness is killing me. Wake up in morning and after cardio shredded appearance for few hours until I consume water and eat.

I know I could run Tren and avoid all this entirely but I'm not ready/don't want to advance yet because I'm really not trying to bulk and when II dose Tren I want to get house like.

SO... good solid advice on dose to run while on cycle of just test?

I've seen anywhere from 5-12.5mg EOD but want to be sure and hear it from a more experienced users mouth.

Hopefully this post is in right place, I'm sure it's been asked a million times so hopefully I don't get shamed/flamed too badly.

Thanks in advance.

Welcome to ology, and 500mg test may be a beginners dose but you can still see solid gains on it.
For future reference make sure you have your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) before you start. Whether it's aromasin or adex, make sure you have it beforehand...
Also, what does your post cycle therapy (pct) and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) look like?
Just list your whole cycle brother lol
Aromasin (exemestane) 6.25 ED if no relief then 12.5mg ED or 25mg EOD {Take with last meal of the day - Fat needed for optimal absorption}

Give it a week between transitions and if possible get some blood work done.
Thanks for the warm welcome Frank.

As far as cycle goes...

I don't really have it drawn up.


Was in the Army for 8 years.

got out almost year ago... was in badass shape, took 7 months off didn't touch a weight, enter a gym, lace a running shoe. drank beer, fucked, and ate like shit. SO... got back into it 3 months ago hardcore didn't want to bulk just trim up and with the help of some test (without tren that makes me want to lift like the hulk) .

Just running 450+ mg test a week.

Have been running it almost 3 months now and plan on running it one more before cycling off.

First day 1ML/250mg E
day following 1ML/100mg prop
3rd day later 1ML/100mg prop

on 3rd day later after prop inject repeat process

sometimes I draw little more test prop than 1ML/100mg.

PCT/HCG will be adex or clomid. Source is fast at shipping so I've been kinda lazy on getting it on hand.

AI is obviously Aromasin and it's first time fucking with it because it's been a few years since I messed with gear and last time I did I stacked prop/E/tren.

Didn't have any crazy water retention as tren shredded me like whoa. Didn't get the small flare up of acne that I currently have either so that's why I ordered the Aro and wanted some pointers.

I would appreciate/take any other advice pointers as well for current cycle.
Cut the Adex before your post cycle therapy (pct). start pct two weeks after your last injection of test e. pct should consist of clomid + nolva.

Just so I read this right. This is how your administering your test

Day 1- test E @ 250mg
Day 2- test p @ 100 mg
Day 3- tests p @ 100mg
Day 4- test e @ 250 mg on ?
Day 1 - E @250
Day 2 - P @100
Day 3 -
Day 4-
Day 5 - P @100
Day 6 -
Day 7 -


450mg week total

Not good?

Rethink my strategy?
Aromasin (exemestane) 6.25 ED if no relief then 12.5mg ED or 25mg EOD {Take with last meal of the day - Fat needed for optimal absorption}

Give it a week between transitions and if possible get some blood work done.

^^^^This, all perfect timing and dosing.
Day 1 - E @250
Day 2 - P @100
Day 3 -
Day 4-
Day 5 - P @100
Day 6 -
Day 7 -


450mg week total

Not good?

Rethink my strategy?

Rethink, Test E 250mgs done on Monday and friday. Along with Test Prop M,W,F @ 150mgs only for the first 4 weeks, then drop it, the test Prop is only run as a kicker for the first 4 weeks then dropped. After the 4 weeks are up it is just going to be Test E 250 on mondays and fridays. Test E is a long ester and takes 4-6 weeks to kick in, thats why you use Test Prop, a shorter ester for the first 4 weeks cause it kicks in within 4-7 days.

And how long of a cycle are you doing????? i would run a 12 week cycle if you are using longer esters like Test E, otherwise you are only going to reap the benifits of the Test E for a month if you are doing an 8 week cycle.

So cycle should look like this:

Aromasin: 6.25mgs ED, If that doesnt work then 12.5 ED, if that doesnt work then get some bloods.

Week 1-12: Test E 250 Mondays and Friday.

Week 1-4: Test Prop 150mgs Monday, Wednesday, Friday, then drop after first 4 weeks.

Week 14-16 PCT.

From the sounds of things though i would just do your PCT now and stop the cycle, then do the research you need so you can have a successful cycle. Research Cycle for newb's, Proper Aromatase inhibitor (AI) use, Proper PCT, and Proper diet and routines. 85% is diet, 15% is workout routine, and only 5% is gear.
Yea brother just pick one ester for your cycle next time...your levels are probably out of wack my friend.
Yea brother just pick one ester for your cycle next time...your levels are probably out of wack my friend.

I'm currently planning a long cycle for the end of the year Frank.... I was considering a 16 week Test E cycle with add-ons...
Would it be a bad idea to kick start it with 4 weeks of Test P to get me up and running? Or do you think the mixture of esters would be a bad thing?