Ask any question, even if it's stupid - no flaming

Thanks dtone :beertoast

One more question if you don't mind, max dosage i've used in the past is Test 500 Deca 300. And I had great gains. Can I decrease the dosages on the cycle you've recommended? Maybe wrong but I'm thinking more with less is better then more with more, so I have room for future cycles to up the dosage :D

So would you recommend something like 500 Test / 300 deca / ??? eq (what dosage?). If yes what exact dosages etc. If no, why not?

Also I'm assuming Test Prop in first few weeks is there to replace D-bol as jumpstarter, being the less toxic one, correct?

sure you can lower the doses, but this being your 3rd cycle (right?), the doses i gave you are appropriate. 500mg/wk of test is fine, but your deca should be 400mg/wk...300 is pretty low for a third cycle. and eq could be at 400mg/wk, but again, much better at 600mg/wk. i still think my suggestion is probably the most appropriate, but 500mg/wk test, 400mg/wk deca and 400mg/wk eq will of course offer nice gains. and remember, just because you used a dose in the past doesn't mean the same dose is ineffective in the future. keeping it simple always works.

test prop is just a better jumpstart and bridge before pct from long esters imo. im not a fan of dbol. of course test is less toxic, but it is also much smoother gains.
thanks man I posted a new avatar because I think I have put on some fat for sure, but I do feel I have put on some good size. I guess I can just keep the cals moderate but enough to gain and finish out the cycle strong then after pct start to cut for summer.
Thanks again.
finish the bulk bro. u don't "appear" to be 13% bf because u look smooth from the water retention. continue with the bulk. ure gains are impressive so far which sais a lot about ure diet. keep us posted
sure you can lower the doses, but this being your 3rd cycle (right?), the doses i gave you are appropriate. 500mg/wk of test is fine, but your deca should be 400mg/wk...300 is pretty low for a third cycle. and eq could be at 400mg/wk, but again, much better at 600mg/wk. i still think my suggestion is probably the most appropriate, but 500mg/wk test, 400mg/wk deca and 400mg/wk eq will of course offer nice gains. and remember, just because you used a dose in the past doesn't mean the same dose is ineffective in the future. keeping it simple always works.

test prop is just a better jumpstart and bridge before post cycle therapy (pct) from long esters imo. im not a fan of dbol. of course test is less toxic, but it is also much smoother gains.

Thanks a lot for great advice :yesway:

Yes third cycle, third year, one cycle per year, started with Test E (375 x 12wk), then 14wk Test E (500)/deca (300)/d-bol and now this.

The dose thing is psychological I guess, being a guy who gets drunk after few bottles of beer :D I think I have a quick responding metabolism lol. I'm most likely going to go with what you recommended.
if you have a body part that lags can you inject that muscle to make it grow quicker or does it even matter.. thank god for no flaming
if you have a body part that lags can you inject that muscle to make it grow quicker or does it even matter.. thank god for no flaming

no, not at all with steroids, it doesn't matter at all. peptides are a different story, igf is used to spot inject. and yes, you are fortunate there is no flaming right now.
scarz, i dont like the new that from that twilight movie or something? are you a 13 yr old girl into harry potter, wizards and vampires? do you leave a snail trail around all of the teeny bop mags at the grocery with those hot twilight boys on the cover?

guess you could just be an avid dungeons and dragons/world of warcraft gamer, which makes sense. either way, change it