atherjen, you're smart


New member
i really need to loose some weight etc. and i was hoping you or some other peeps could help me out. i'm 6'3" 280# probably pretty high body fat but not super high. i've been working out on and off for a long time but never seem to loose significant weight or put on lots of muscle but i'm really serious now about getting in shape.... i just started taking ephederine and i've been reading alot on here... plan on taking isolate whey protein after workout, right?... do you think r-ala would be good for me too? any sides to that or limit on how long you should take? i know it's important to eat every 2.5 hours and no carbs at night etc. do you think someone like me really needs fatty acid supplements? or glutamine( i don't even know what that one is)? i'm pretty sensitive to certain things so i'll stay away from t3 or clen i think... am i missing any cool supplements?... i know diet and exersize is most important just want everything to be right... thanx alot sorry for long post! most important question is what supplements should i take, when, how much, and for how long?
to answer your last question first.. I just want to point out that there is NO magic supplement out there that is going to do the work in shedding the fat for you... their are aids, but the majority of it boils down to strict diet and dedicated training.

first the most important issue here is diet.
Id like to see a sample menu of what you eat in the run of a day..times, amounts, etc. this would greatly help and we can make adjustments from there.

how long have you been training for, in terms of serious weight lifting? what does your current schedule look like... as well. cardio is a must in order to shed the fat.. Id reccomend 4x week for now, and work from there. First thing in the morning on an empty stomach is optimal. vary each session, one being a longer moderate paced session 30+ minutes, and another being interval style for 20-30 minutes... this is at a very high intensity.

as for supplements.. your basic multivitamin is a must daily. as well as added antioxidants such as vitamin C/E. ALA is a great addition as well, one of the most powerful antioxidants and also has insulin mimicing factors, which is a good addition to take before carb meals.
and YES everyone needs EFA's in their diet for overall health. adding flaxoil, fishoil caps and/or fatty fish, olive oil/nuts/seeds in moderation.. this are a must.. please do not leave these out!
As for the ephedrine.. how much are you taking.and are you making your own stack? this is the much cheaper route to go in my opinon. the best time to take it is first thing in the morning before cardio session and then again in the afternoon.

this is a start.,... need more info about yourself.
thanx for response i was wondering about cardio on empty stomach i will do that... i think one of the problems is i don't really have a set diet but i want to try to do the following: whey protein shake after morning cardio. wait an hour then good meal of proteins fats and unproscessed carbs. salads and meats for snacks and high protein and low carb for dinner... eggs for snacks too and i think i will try cottage cheese or other similar protein before bed.... maybe 300-400 grams protein, 150 g carbs total and 150 grams mostly unsaturated fat. sound good? i do take multi-vitamin now too and pre-maid eca stack it is called hydroxadrine and at present i am only taking about half dose but might try to increase... what are all the supps you think i should take and when? thanx alot for help i feel i might have a chance to really get in shape now if i do everything right.
Id aim for the higher end on the protein.. 1.5g/lb bodyweight is my suggestion.. keep carbs complex such as old fashioned oats, sweet potatoes, brown rice, bean/legumes.. all earlier in the day, tapering to only fiberous veggies, protein and EFA's later in the day.
I also dont think that you need 150g fat either.. that may be on the high end. shoot for 11-12X your bodyweight in calories for cutting. this leaves you in the range of approx 3000- 3300 calories or so per day to begin with. as you loose fat, you must lower this intake to compensate for your new weight. perhaps go on the lower end of that level on non training days and the higher on training days.

I might add that there is no need to take the protein shake aftercardio imo. at this time your body is primed to absorb nurtrients after fasting all nite and then following cardio on an empty stomach. just follow with your first meal of the day...

what does your post workout shake after weight training consisit of? I still reccomend that you get in whey protein and dextrose at this time.. include this into your daily food intake.

what type of EFA's are you going to be using?

as for the other supps... there is no magic. start with this basic outline and work from there. things can easily be manipulated once you reach a plateau.
good luck :)

.....Jackal.... your too sweet! ;)
thanx, i've been shopping.... i just got some good granola for morning time, brown rice and healthy proteins.... i should eat this type of stuff right after morning cardio or before weight training, right? and after weight training do the whey, dextrose and fatty acids( i got omega 3 from fish oil). i should probably keep dextrose low quantity, right 'cause i'm trying to loose weight. i'm also about to order the r-ala i couldn't find it in the stores. is there anything i should know about that stuff as far as side effects or if it hinders the body's ability to make it's own when you stop with the supplements? also, what are your thoughts on if i should weight train soon after cardio, wait a few hours or do it on seperate days all together? thanx again, ryan
hmmm granola? what sort....IMO this isnt your best choice for cutting, far too many added sugars and low quality complex carbs... fairly high glycemic as well.
DO NOT take your efa's with your post workout shake. at this time you want little to no fat as possible, the same as your post workout meal an hour after your shake. fats slow absorbtion and ideally you want those nutrients getting to your muscle as quickly as possible. Don't cut out the post workout dextrose either. as long as the rest of your diet is in line, you will do well. Your muscle cells will absorb these carbs very effciently post workout, as long as your workout the muscles to complete exhaution and your intensity level was up! that is the key to progression, dont let yourself slack in the gym!

As far as the r-ala goes, I have not yet personally used this myself, although I do take ALA faithfully. r-ala is supposed to be more powerful so less is needed compared to the ALA.... overdosing on this, will can cause you to feel very drowsy and sleepy..meaning that your blood sugar levels have dipped too low. You will notice a sharp smell in your need to worry.. the ala, (or r-ala as well I would think) does this. Other then that, there are no side effects... its a very powerful antioxidant so perfect for overall health!

Personally I would not reccomend cardio then weight training... if your doing cardio in the morning on an empty stomach get at least a good meal in your before you go back to weight train. You need the energy to be able to lift to your max.
you're right atherjen is super smaert also, she is a gorgeous bodybuilder and she has awesome advice, it looks to me like all you need to do is diet for a couple months properly and see how things turn out. It will help tremendoulsy. good luck, and I love you ATHERJEN.
HardBody said:
you're right atherjen is super smaert also, she is a gorgeous bodybuilder and she has awesome advice, it looks to me like all you need to do is diet for a couple months properly and see how things turn out. It will help tremendoulsy. good luck, and I love you ATHERJEN.

:o ahhh Hb are u sucking up? hehe thanks!

dmosh, keep us updated on progress and best of luck! :)
When I did my cutting phase I always consumed a shake consisting of one scoop low carb isolate protein, 10 mg glutamine and a teaspoon of mct oil prior to my cardio session. I found that this let me keep more muscle mass. Mind you I was doing 60 mins of cardio twice a day 6 days a week as well as 1 hr of weights 5 days a week. At this level of activity I found that protein before morning cardio helped