i really need to loose some weight etc. and i was hoping you or some other peeps could help me out. i'm 6'3" 280# probably pretty high body fat but not super high. i've been working out on and off for a long time but never seem to loose significant weight or put on lots of muscle but i'm really serious now about getting in shape.... i just started taking ephederine and i've been reading alot on here... plan on taking isolate whey protein after workout, right?... do you think r-ala would be good for me too? any sides to that or limit on how long you should take? i know it's important to eat every 2.5 hours and no carbs at night etc. do you think someone like me really needs fatty acid supplements? or glutamine( i don't even know what that one is)? i'm pretty sensitive to certain things so i'll stay away from t3 or clen i think... am i missing any cool supplements?... i know diet and exersize is most important just want everything to be right... thanx alot sorry for long post! most important question is what supplements should i take, when, how much, and for how long?