Atkins Diet???? Or What


New member
Alright, when i entered college, I weighed 152. I was drinkin doing all the stuff that normal college students do and now age 24 i weigh 170. Sometimes 175. I work out 5 days a week, and I am not very concerned about becomming a monster although I do want to be stronger and have a nice body. Any way, I do not have a diet. Some days like a saturday i may not eat anything, via being hungover. Other days during the week i eat more and sit for actual meals. I am an elementary school teacher and def get hungry for lunch.The past few years i have noticed my stomach is just so buldgy. I was in a car accident about one and a half years ago and was bed ridden for a month and gaind weight. I am a short and stout guy 5-8 and once again 170-75. I am thinking about going on the atkins diet, but understand that no carbs means i will not be able to gain strength. Is there anything i can do to shirnk my stomach and still gain strength? I just want to loose the buldge i have. Not a wash board but i want it to be flat. I hate lookin at it. It is the only bad part of my body,. I am pretty confidante that i will have a killer physique if i did not look like a suiey pig. Can someone help me please? Is the atkins diet sufficient or is there any way that i can change it up a bit to coinside with working out? Please help!!!!!!!
How about cutting out all of the alcohol. The alcohol is full of calories, and it isn't good for you. You have a respectful occupation, but gosh, an elementary school teacher that gets drunk every Friday night? Time to grow up. Some people never do though....

I know that the alcohol can be hard to give up, which is all the more reason to do so.
Your an idiot, although thanks for the info budd. I am young lad and still have a social life, so sometimes when i go out I like to mingle with the ladies and have some fun. Alchahol is not the reason i have a gut, ie this does not happen all in 1 night a week, 4 nights a month. :afro:
Don't ask for someone's advice and then call them an idiot because you did not hear what you wanted to hear, that's obnoxious.

Don't go with Atkins it is only a temporary fix, many people fall off the diet and gain everything back and then some. Just cut out simple carbs, try to get more of your carbs from green veggies, increase your protein consumption, eat more often--this gets your metabolism working, and work out hard in the gym.
Agree with husky, anything youre going to do has to be sustainable, becuase consitency and time are going to be the factors that produce results. Plus, if you hate it youre unlikely to keep it up, and would feel reluctant to start up again in the future. Start small, and refine over time. Just check out some of the diets on this board, dont copy them but take from them what you need and tailor a diet for YOU. have fun

for furhter information name calling is not something that i agree with at all but to place an opinion based on drinking is outragouse. this is not a message board to talk people out of having fun on the weekends and every free human being has a right to make there own decisions outside of the work place as long as it does not effect your ocupation and the way you cary out your work. im not saying that a truck driver should take sleeping pills but if he can get his shipment there on time then the more power to him. you are a light being not your ocupation. your ocupation is something u do to get ends so u can live your own llife. just cuz i teach when i die god will not know me as a teacher but as a human who is on a path to better his physical and mental health. sorry for the idiot calling it was sput of the moment but remember if u want to loose weight go to the gym at least 3 days a week and the main factor to anything in life is dedication. without it we are all lost. so think twice again before u post a coment that may effect your spiritual path which in the process your body should be your temple. not only is weight loss important but it is also important to find out who we really are and to know our past. without knowing our past we are lost in the future. peace love and hotep. :afro:
Back to the thread.... I'm not going to lecture you about drinking becuase i do it too. But if your not eating the next day your overdoing it way too much. That is the worst thing you can do, You should eat Several small meals a day. 6-8 ect.....

They don't have to be huge meals and they shouldnt be. Do you drink pop, candy , chocolate ect?

Just take a look at what your eating. Hit the gym hard, hit some cardio up. YOull see the weight drop off fast.
Binge drinking once a week actually contributes to a big gut more so than drinking moderately on an everyday basis. Just thought you'd like to know. I Wish i could find the damn studyyyy!!

Anyway, not to flame or disrespect, but you can bet that alcohol is the main factor to your belly.
Brendo80 said:
I am pretty confidante
You're an elementary school teacher? I'm guessing not English?

Your attitude stinks.

People have offered good advice on this thread and you've treated them with nothing other than disrespect and downright rudeness.

Best wishes to you nonetheless.
Your not to brite are you. If you were to give up drinking for a month you would notice your stomach go down alot. Any kind of liquor causes a big stomach.
I just quit drinking in july of 04, after a three year binge. I finally realized how bloated the alcohol made me. I was swelling up it semed. As soon as I quit it just started going away pretty fast actually. Just my input.
Alcohol makes me feel like shit I went out drinking this friday with some friends I weighed 191.5 that morning. then after a night of drinking the next morning I weighed 198 fuckin bloated an feeling like shit now as of yesterday Im back to 192 but man it blows.
Brendo80 said:
Your an idiot, although thanks for the info budd. I am young lad and still have a social life, so sometimes when i go out I like to mingle with the ladies and have some fun. Alchahol is not the reason i have a gut, ie this does not happen all in 1 night a week, 4 nights a month. :afro:

Uh... ok bro, everyone here has offered you good advice and you chose to shit on them. I'm going to give it to you like it is:

You have a fat beer belly because you drink. And don't tell us it's only a few nights a month. We've all been there and know it happens alot more than that. Plain and simple- if you want to loose your fat/ugly/bloated beer gut, stop drinking. Notice I didn't say *moderate* your drinking. I said STOP. BTW, drinking is also detrimental to building muscle. If you went on the atkins properly, you'd see that you shouldn't drink while on the diet.

As others have said, don't come on a diet forum asking for help on losing your beer gut and then trash those that give you solid advice.

Well, go ahead and enjoy your "social life". Make sure you tell us what happens when, in the event that you do get a girl to come home with you, you take off your shirt and she sees your beer gut. Let us know what happens. Then maybe, once you've been humbled, come back for some solid advice.