ATTN: Circumsized men

Circumcision type

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mranak said:

Then maybe I'll sneak in their room at night and play with it. If they wake up I'll assure them it's just a dream.
mranak said:
I wouldn't be surprised if circumcision is actually more common in the sound. Let's back up. The US, all over, circumsizes most boys. The rest of the world does not.

wrong. islamic and jewish nations all circumsize their babies after birth. many other nations are starting to circumsize their babies for health reasons as well.
jynx said:
wrong. islamic and jewish nations all circumsize their babies after birth. many other nations are starting to circumsize their babies for health reasons as well.

"Jewish nations"???

And what other nations are starting to circumcise babies?
needtolosequick said:

And Dave, why would you be proud of your ant-eater cock?

'Cause it's a work of art. And it feels real good. Why would anyone be proud of a scarred stump?
This thread has been educational. Since I'm not gay I didn't know other guys were typically cut all the way.
I don't think the women care all that much, just so the hygene is up to snuff. Oh, and of course they luv big ones better, no matter what excuses they might make, lol! Especially if you have alot of girth. Thats what they want.