Avoge's test log


New member
Hey Bro's,
I officially started up my cycle yesterday morning.

Here's some stats:
Age: 27
Height: 5'7
Weight: 205
BF: prob 20% , bit of a fatty but i think I've got some good mass going on.

Weeks 1-12
I'm running 500 mg test E per week, split into two 250 mg injections Friday morning and Monday night.

Weeks 14-18
clomid 50 mg ED
Nolva 40/40/20/20

For my Aromatase inhibitor (AI) i've got armidex on hand in case I start retaining water, seeing signs of gyno ect. I'm open to suggestions on the use of the AI.

Diet is going to be 2700 - 3000 cals per day. About 250-330 grams of protein per day, which by my math works out to be 1.5 - 2 grams per day per pound of lean body mass. Some might say my cals are light, maybe they are, but I work in an office and barely move for that time. I will adjust if required.

The injection went awesome yesterday, no issues. Felt a crazy rush and super good after.

Now its just time to eat and lift like a beast - and wait for the magic to happen.

Before's to come shortly, and advise from my ology brothers appreciated.
Time for an update, tomorrow will be one week since my first pin - 3rd pin will be tomorrow morning.

Since I started the cycle a week ago, i've been feeling more eager to workout, feel like i'm sharper mentally, ect ect. I know this is all placebo.

I still havn't started my Aromatase inhibitor (AI), as I havn't seen any signs of bloating or gyno. Apparently I won't see any of that until atleast 4-5 weeks into the cycle. I was pretty paranoid earlier this week as I thought I was packing on pounds already.. luckily I wasn't - Shout out to ErectusMaximus & Userat204 for putting my mind at ease on this one. I'm still torn on the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) if I should wait to see signs, or if I should start up the armidex at 0.25mg eod... opinions on this are appreciated.

As for my diet, I've been eating a ton. Lots of chicken, steak.. getting about 350g protein a day, about 3000-3500 cals in total, casein at night, ect.

Time to eat...

Thanks to all the ology brothers for watching out.
yeah a lot of what your're feeling right now is just mental cause you know the gear is there now. you should notcie it in about a week.

Looking thick, got a good base, lot's of potential.
yeah a lot of what your're feeling right now is just mental cause you know the gear is there now. you should notcie it in about a week.

Looking thick, got a good base, lot's of potential.

Thanks Darkside,
I've always had the thick build. I'd like to lean out a bit too, I've been hitting the cardio on off days for 30 min 2-3x per week.. then about 10 min after my lift session.
First cycle's are always the best and give you the best gains. focus on building with this one, you can cut down after, and it will be easier then.
So I did my 5th pin yesterday morning.
Pinned my left delt, when I pulled it out - blood squirted out of my shoulder like a friggen geyser, blood all over my kitchen.

I quckily dabbed it with some an alcohol swab and put some pressure on it, sealed it off with a needle band-aid.

Called my cousin whom is a nurse, she basically told me it happens and not to worry. She said I likely just pierced a vein or vessel, and everything should be ok as long as I don't feel pain, or it keeps on bleeding. She said worst case, some of my test won't fully absorb into the muscle..

It basically didn't bleed at all after the inital squirt, today it doesn't hurt at all - But holy jesus, what a trip. I have to admit I was pretty freaked out by the whole ordeal, and I'm a little concerned I may have lost some of my test injection, although I'm thinking the actual injection would be far below that of the vessel which was pierced by the pin..
When you inject the pin, do you asperate? (pull back on plunger) If no blodd comes back in the needle then you are good. sometimes you can catch a veign on the way out.

The exact same thing happened to me last week but i was pinning glutes. everything was fine but when i pulled out....blood shot out like a squirt gun. It happens, no need to get in a panic. As long as it doesn't swell and feel hot in the area you injected it will be good.
Hey Darkside,
Yup aspirated, must have nicked the vein on the way out.

But ya, no pain, shoulder isn't even sore.
I'm now on day 20 of my cycle.
So far i've managed to gain about 5 pounds, putting me at 210. I don't think this is a gear related weight gain, but the significant increase in food and water so far.

I was feeling pretty bloated a few days ago so I've added 0.25mg of armidex EOD. Seems to make me feel less bloated. I'm going to continue on with this protocol for now.

Libido, seems to have slightly increased. I'm always a horney bastard anyway.

Workouts, Yesrterday I did shoulders, and I did basically the same workout I did the week before accoridng to my log, except yesterday I seemed to have crazy endurance, and I just wanted to keep on pumping. No crazy strenght gains, 5-10lbs here and there.

Overall things are going well.
I have received a few comments from other guys around the office. One guy is on a cut himself, said I was looking leaner - so thats a good sign considering i'm up 5 lbs.
Hey brother, try doubling your dose og Adex. Either take .5 EOD or take .25 everyday. Try this for a few days and see how you react. Tour estro levels might be a little high......if you just added the adex and noticed your libido pick up that is a sign of some high estro. I just went thru the same thing and it helped me out.
Thanks for the suggestion Darkside, I was actually thinking of upping my dose to 0.5mg EOD anyway. The AI's are a tricky one.

Thanks bro
Update day once again.
I am now in my 4th week, day 27 to be exact, and shit is kicking in for sure.

I'm noticing gains in the gym, gradual gain in all my exercises, bigger pumps, ect.
People are starting to make comments, someone at a party last week told me I was 'hurting my shirt', wife's freind came over last night, hadn't seen me in 2-3 months, all night was feeling up my shoulders and chest. So... we're definetly in progress mode. LOL, not to mention today when i'm getting ready for work all my dress shits were tight as shit in the chest / shoudlers - I had to pull out some of my fat boy shirts, good thing i kept them.

I'm up to about 212 from 204. I was up to about 215 at one point, but i stepped up the armidex and lost some water weight. I don't think i'm prone to gyno, but I seem to be prone to bloating.

Progress pics to come at week 6...
Just notice your log and read it all, had some good advice from Dark (he nows he`s stuff) and you are doing real good. Nice to read your log. Follow it from now on,bro...
Great, thanks for the motivation guys.

Pikiki I've been reading your log too, way to go, and be safe out there.